hello everyone
this is a feedback regarding exploration and engaging in the overworld, which i think is a vast open space of "Nothing"
i will rant and give some suggestions, and will also note that i'm writing this based on my own experiences with the game, i do not represent anyone but myself.
that being said, let's start first with rants:
let's talk about world layout design, after ARR most zones are constantly getting more and more bland with every expansion, except few i can think of on top of my head. Churning Mist and The Tempest for example have amazing verticality it felt good progressing through, other than that The Tempest is prime example of "Nothing"
what made ARR zones exceptional is despite how small they are they felt more alive and engaging. Thanalan for example has so much going on in one zone, Southern Thanalan has Little Ala Mhigo in its heart, Amaljaa tribe by it's east and and a huge sandscape to the south. not only that but there's a hidden path and a lot of Key places that serve MSQ, Job Quests, Fates and dungeons.
comparing each zone of ARR to DT is like night and day for how empty and soulless DT zones are.
good layout design not only adds life to zones, but also adds meaning to exploration. almost every dungeon in ARR has entrance or visual representation attached to them (Huakke Manor, Sunken Temple,
pharos Sirios. etc..). even i as someone who doesn't care about story get intrigued by little details like these, makes me wander around and think about what it has to offer. stuff like this has been slowly fading after ARR which is sad, because despite how small of a detail it is it adds immersion and engagement with the world.
World Content
i don't recall when did i started playing FF14 but i do remember starting with a free trial up to level 30. and leveling past 20 was rough, MSQ didn't give much exp back then, which made me do side quests, Fates and frankly killing normal mobs. it made me feel something i miss, it made me feel fulfilled, accomplished or rewarded after unlocking the next MSQ, i felt progression through gameplay, not cutscenes. this might be controversial but MSQ shouldn't give much exp points, because it prevents players from engaging with the world they're playing in.
Fates are also a big part of the world, yet again ARR shows us variety in Fates and how fun they can be when you do it with random players. escorts, big bosses, timed challenges and defending fates were fun to do. now if you look at recent Expansions, collect stuff, kill 4 mobs on cooldown, and big health mob that can be soloed anyway. no one does fates except for gems and unlock vendor items. i think it should be more than that like give little more xp to make it a extra option for leveling instead of doing msq for your main class and spamming roulettes and the same dungeons over and over again.
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this is a feedback regarding exploration and engaging in the overworld, which i think is a vast open space of "Nothing"
i will rant and give some suggestions, and will also note that i'm writing this based on my own experiences with the game, i do not represent anyone but myself.
that being said, let's start first with rants:
let's talk about world layout design, after ARR most zones are constantly getting more and more bland with every expansion, except few i can think of on top of my head. Churning Mist and The Tempest for example have amazing verticality it felt good progressing through, other than that The Tempest is prime example of "Nothing"
what made ARR zones exceptional is despite how small they are they felt more alive and engaging. Thanalan for example has so much going on in one zone, Southern Thanalan has Little Ala Mhigo in its heart, Amaljaa tribe by it's east and and a huge sandscape to the south. not only that but there's a hidden path and a lot of Key places that serve MSQ, Job Quests, Fates and dungeons.
comparing each zone of ARR to DT is like night and day for how empty and soulless DT zones are.
good layout design not only adds life to zones, but also adds meaning to exploration. almost every dungeon in ARR has entrance or visual representation attached to them (Huakke Manor, Sunken Temple,
pharos Sirios. etc..). even i as someone who doesn't care about story get intrigued by little details like these, makes me wander around and think about what it has to offer. stuff like this has been slowly fading after ARR which is sad, because despite how small of a detail it is it adds immersion and engagement with the world.
World Content
i don't recall when did i started playing FF14 but i do remember starting with a free trial up to level 30. and leveling past 20 was rough, MSQ didn't give much exp back then, which made me do side quests, Fates and frankly killing normal mobs. it made me feel something i miss, it made me feel fulfilled, accomplished or rewarded after unlocking the next MSQ, i felt progression through gameplay, not cutscenes. this might be controversial but MSQ shouldn't give much exp points, because it prevents players from engaging with the world they're playing in.
Fates are also a big part of the world, yet again ARR shows us variety in Fates and how fun they can be when you do it with random players. escorts, big bosses, timed challenges and defending fates were fun to do. now if you look at recent Expansions, collect stuff, kill 4 mobs on cooldown, and big health mob that can be soloed anyway. no one does fates except for gems and unlock vendor items. i think it should be more than that like give little more xp to make it a extra option for leveling instead of doing msq for your main class and spamming roulettes and the same dungeons over and over again.
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