Optimizing Gathering Route For Diadem

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Hiho, what are your thoughts on this path?
Min/btn gathering feels much slower than crafting so far, so I'm sort of wondering if I'm approaching it poorly. About 20 hrs in diadem resulted 12k min, 10k btn, 80k fsh.

During clear weather:
- fly around whacking nodes
- 500gp on the +5 attempt nodes
- otherwise 100gp +yield to prevent capping gp (but also prevent having 0 gp at start of a window)
- cordials on cd

During Umbral Fire / Wind:
- because of proximity to entrance, 500gp +yield, whack cloudy
- leave, re-enter, fly back, 500gp +yield
- repeat, with cordial
- 2-3 regular trips
- 500gp +yield
- 2-3 regular trips

During Umbral purple lightning something
- cloudy 500gp +yield, dump all remaining gp into 100gp+yield
- then back to farming regular nodes because better qty/time (for 50k turn-ins) even if lesser point value, since umbral so far from entrance.
- (but I think can still 4-5 trips despite the distance)

During Umbral dust
- cloudy 500gp, dump gp into +yield until ~200gp remaining
- drop down and go fishing
- mooch II/mooch I only
- 400gp 2x hook any gobbies
- but no patience bc of availability of 3* during window, and not wanting to wait for the buff to fall off so I can 400gp a mooch
- not highly prioritizing because it seems much faster than btn/min

With mouse it seems u can keep whacking the node, but on controller the targeting resets (and if you soft-target the new blank node it closes the thing). I usually diadem late-night to mitigate chance of entering wrong instance, but even at night sometimes there are multiple instances running, and might overflow into another.

I think with the goal of getting all the cheevs, this is an efficient approach, but in practice it still feels quite slow. The Skyward ranking on my server showed 300k in a wk of heavy grind was doable, with some reaching 700k, but for example, by the number, even 500k pt is 14.4k green mats which seems quite high even with favorable windows.

For auger, using on not-sprites to increase turn-in points.

I'm curious, of those who hit 50k turnins:
- what your skyward points were at the time you hit 50k?
- How many times auger fired?
- Did you use different method?

It seems like even after hitting 1k cloudy things, it will still be necessity to farm them to hit 500k points faster, but the probably-limited-time achieves take priority and quantity gained faster by hitting regular nodes, esp as auger will reset on rezone.

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