Only for the sick minded



Non-Validated User
My buddy Travis, who plays as Phallus on Valefor, came over to my house and showed me this website. These stories are some of the sickest, funniest shit I've ever read. Now, I'm giving you the warning. If you go to this site, and read the stories, you can not blame me in anyway for the pyschological, mental, and emotional damage you may suffer. To all the ladies in the ls, DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE AND READ THE STORIES. You will lose all faith in men and might want to kill me and Tucker. So, remember, if you have eaten in the last hour, please wait atleast 30 minutes before reading these stories.

BTW: The Tucker Tries (sexual refference deleted) and Austin Road Trip are the funniest
Yeah, that story is disturbing, but there are worse ones. Don't say that I didnt' warn you.....
lmao read all of his stories today at work... never laughed so hard in my life... we have a internet camera here at work that the bosses monitor us on sometimes when they get bored and just want to nitpick... lol boss called me up and asked what was so funny... I mailed him the link :p