On The (hypoethehcial For Now) Removal Of Aetherial Assessories

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Ahem, with 5.3, The ARR dungeons up to Aurum Vale had a rather interesting chnage, the weapons and armor of the Aetherial quality (pink icon, randomized substats) were replaced with more standardized (and better looking) gear. Yet the accessories still remains.

I'd like to ask if they can be removed and replaced by new ones as I feel that not only is randomized stat gear an outdated concept,but also because I see a golden opportunity for accessory models locked to Gatherers/Crafters (Two-tone Leather earrings, Manasilver, etc) to be made available to every class, and at a low enough level to warrant storing in the glamour dresser (as certain accessories, such as the Nabaath ones are not universal) and possibly even recolor them for slightly more variety.

What do you think?

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