Just call me Veronica Mars

I have an accented é because someone else has my name for a sub-level 10 character they're never on. I'm alliance because I play with a RL friend to this server/faction. I'm an awesome tree. I'm a pretty mediocre kitty. I have never seen the inside of Ulduar, because Grizzly Hills is a backwater server and only like 3 guilds do Ulduar, and I don't have the time or energy to do the endgame shit again.
My hobbies include long walks on the beach, leveling alts (though I REALLY suck at most things that aren't a tree), and flying around as a monkey God with my trusted Super Simyan Sphere + swift flight form combo, while daydreaming that one day Blizzard will let us combine any race/class and/or level multiple jobs on one character, so that I can be a draenei druid and ditch these lame night elf ears forever.