
Just call me Veronica Mars
ya i saw this, i died alil inside.

You think they'll really make that much more money?
Books have been out, they've been read. Everyone is just waiting to see the movie.
I don't see where they will make much more $ by waiting?
I can almost agree that they will make more by releasing it in the summer time, but then again, I believe that Harry Potter has a big enough fan base that it wont make that much of a difference. Yes, school and whatnot will be going on, but families will find time to see it together and those who want to see it will make time.
They said that the film they released in the summer was the second highest grossing film (aside from the first one coming out in winter). So, if they think they'll make more money (BECAUSE THEY LOST SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH DURING THE WRITERS STRIKELOOOOLOLO?) by waiting till summer, then, you can bet your fucking nutrings that they'll do it.
seriously. all the harry potter fans that are bitching them out for moving it are the same ones that will be standing in line for it in 11 months. it's annoying but it isn't world shattering.
Oh, I don't agree with the "ZOMG IMMA BOYCOTT THE MOVIE!" morons.

But it's still a slap in the face to the fans from the studio.