Nekio + TF2 = ???? ---- lulz...

I remember playing TF on the Quake engine, has it changed so much that I don't even know what the hell is going on now?
I still have not played that game, lol.
TF2 takes most of my gaming time, still. Mainly because you can jump in and out of games.

I'm still running a bunch of TF2 servers through, that takes time to maintain too...

TF2 has a crafting system now that's interesting: (other info there too)

Nekio is one of our more animated players, as you can see. :)
Lol if I remember correctly Aang chose some of the less vulgar of my tirades. It's TEAM Fortress for a reason... people play it like a gd solo FPS and it pisses me off to high hell.

With that said, I'm always up for some Ultima matches. :)
Lol if I remember correctly Aang chose some of the less vulgar of my tirades. It's TEAM Fortress for a reason... people play it like a gd solo FPS and it pisses me off to high hell.

With that said, I'm always up for some Ultima matches. :)

Yep - Any TF2 server with the [-Ultima-] tag in the name belongs to us at -- Our most popular servers are the Sniper Only ones, but we've got a few others and I'm always open to special requests since we've got space for a few more servers. :P
I just got the game when it was like 6.47 or whatever in the summer sale. Haven't started playing yet, but I did notice Nekio is on it more often than not whenever I see him on my Steam list. I'll be getting on that sometime soon, myself...just been working on other games. BF lent me Prince of Persia, and gave me Batman Arkham Asylum for my birthday :o Those have been taking up a lot of my game time xD
Batman Arkhan Asylum absolutely rocks. Can't wait for sequel. Lol.
Love Batman as well. I keep wanting to jump into TF2, but i find it harder for me to really get into it on a laptop. Back in the TFC days, I had a nice setup with my desktop. Might see about building one soon.