My Synthesis Option Is Gone?

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Hai hai! Thanks for checking this

So I started my crafting journey as an Armorsmith, synthesizing and unlocking new synthesize options yaya v nice.

When I unlocked "Quick Synthesis", which is awesome I'm using it it's great.

But now when I click the basic yellow synthesis button now- it shows the durability of the item I want to make and success rate etc. but it just says "quit" where it usually says "Synthesize" . It doesn't show any options to begin the basic synthesis process.

I wish I could post a screen shot for you guys ^-^;

I've tried googling and youtube videos but I haven't found any information on this- I have my lil hammer guy equipped etc.

Without basic synthesis I can't make any new items that I haven't made before so

Any ideas? Thank you so much! ;)

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