

Gone and back again.. and again..
FC/Active Member
Well it's finally happened, sold my house today. Now I'm scrambling to find an apartment since I really didn't expect it to sell so fast. ~.~ Actually putting an application in for an Apt. as I type this /em prays. What this means is, I probably won't be around much over the next month or so, though due to my work schedule.. i'm not around as much as I'd like to be anyways ;_;

As of right now I'm assuming that wherever I move to will have some form of internet access enabling me to continue play, therefore i'm keeping my account active. In the event that there is no way I'll be able to come back, I'll hand out some items here and there and then sell everything else to donate to the LS fund. I'll post more as things clear up a bit.
Well "Moving" turned into quitting after all. Because of the fact that today i found out for certain there's no net access other than Dialup (FFXI on DIALUP?!?!) went ahead and left today after giving everything away and all moneys to Pokpok (whore... lol). Anyways I'm not gonna post some big whiny goodbye message, just letting everyone know that I will be visiting the LS site frequently, and Vent whenever I can.

Aluboss has my current e-mail addy and has promised to drop me a line whenever something big LS wise is going on (Jormy, tiamat etc..) so I can listen in and cheer you all on.

Been a hell of a good ride, and I'm proud to know I was part of the best LS on valefor, take care all and see you again.^^

PS. Feel free to leave me messages here on the site, or at (though like I said, e-mail addy will either change soon, or be gotten rid of completely...dunno which yet)

Edit: For all you people that think i'm coming back, hate to do this but.. Char's deleted, Content-Id's deleted, game deleted >.<; No IGE support here!!!
Aww Falk, come on.

I "quit", but you better believe in one week when I get my *gasp* DIAL UP service I'm going to be coming back, if only for a little while. You can do!

Character restoration services! Go!
Take care of yourself, Falk. We've known each other for a very long time and am saddened about your departure from the game. You gave me so much in game and in return, I give you my friendship and I hope to keep in touch with you for a long time. Good luck and God bless!
Well Falk, it's been a long ride, known u on and off for a good while now... ur a real good guy, and a good friend, u'll certainly be missed >.<; don't be a stranger on vent ya hear?!
Well.. Today's my last day for internet service, don't get any new type of service until July 25th (long story..Bell South sucks.) So I won't be able to chat at ya'll for a couple months. Awesome job on Tiamat and I hope you serve Jormy with the same results.^^ In July my DSL service starts up so I'll be able to come back to the MB and BS with you guys again. Take care and see ya's..
Nah i'm done with FFXI, was gonna be done soon even if I wasn't moving to a crappy area. 2 years on 1 game was long enough..hell I played the game longer than I've held alot of my old jobs.

Tried out WoW since leaving FF until the move (today) have to say it's pretty fun. Only drawback I've seen so far is that it's incredibly easy to get from lv 1-60 in no time flat. Love the solo'ing ability and it's a flat out FUN game that you can get out and do almost anything by yourself or with a single friend (Gwydian and I duo most everything).

Edit: Night Elf Rogue on Icecrown, be back near the end of July if anyone here's playing WoW and happens to be on that server.^^