Months Of Harassment

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I'm typing up this post in regards to a person in Novice Network on Adamantoise that has been harassing the player base for MONTHS. It has especially gotten bad over the past week. A certain player would link items in NN that had spoiler flavor text, and tell people (especially sprouts) to read the flavor text. He would also be very rude towards people, as well as use inappropriate language, racial and homophopic slurs. He is now rolling sprouts on other Worlds on Aether, joining NN, and macroing extremely inappropriate comments, and spoilers. He just now directly attacked 3 people in NN, myself included. I understand that we have no proof that it is this person making these sprouts and harassing us, but he is literally the ONLY person in our NN that behaves in this manner. From my understanding, he is also doing stuff like this on the other Worlds on Aether. I am bringing this to the forums because this is heavily disruptive to new and veteran players alike. None of us deserve this harassment every single day. Please do something about this guy. If you have SS's of this dude behaving as such, please feel free to post it in this thread. Something HAS to be done about this person, because this behavior is extreme, and very unacceptable.

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