MMO Discussion?


Kitteh's Meow

We all know that SE had been working on a new MMORPG, however no name had been mentioned other than this codename of "Rapture".

The graphic is striking similar to FFXI although most believe that this will be a 'Sequel' to FFXI. Curious minds want to know more!

The Wiki entry states it will be released for Xbox360 and Windows... PS3 is a 'maybe'.

I'm curious as to what the development time table will be. Should be good discussion since this new MMO is starting to pop up a little more in news tickers.

It is also interesting to note that part of the FFXI team is working on this, which again, we did know already.,

Wiki Entry
looks sweet, would be awesome if we all transfered to a new game together.

lol, me and you aang!!!

I find it odd, that they are saying "Possible" for PS3, doesn't the Sony have a contractual agreement to be the console for FF games? I know their is a diversity, yet I find it odd.
PS3 might get it later.
I find it odd, that they are saying "Possible" for PS3, doesn't the Sony have a contractual agreement to be the console for FF games? I know their is a diversity, yet I find it odd.

Although it's hard to think otherwise, it doesn't have to be an FF game. It could be something totally original (I know, god forbid!)

Whatever the case, I honestly hope they aim it for the PC market. Odds pretty slim on that though, I think, knowing SE.
Well I'll definitely give it a try.. I'm a sucker for trying new games.
Well, all I can say is to leave PS2 out of the equation. I know it is obvious, but is worth saying.
I might come back to a next-gen FF MMO. Provided they implement a server and support structure like WoW, with servers divided by continent and autonomous support departments. This cluster of high-latency bullshit halfway around the world with "fuck off" GMs is a huge turn off. And for the love of god, I hope they make ALL HNMs bcnm/dynamis style battles, with timers and saves and limited numbers, cause that is way more fun than camping.
I might come back to a next-gen FF MMO. Provided they implement a server and support structure like WoW, with servers divided by continent and autonomous support departments. This cluster of high-latency bullshit halfway around the world with "fuck off" GMs is a huge turn off. And for the love of god, I hope they make ALL HNMs bcnm/dynamis style battles, with timers and saves and limited numbers, cause that is way more fun than camping.

lol instances ftw
I'll probably give this new one a shot... if my computer can handle it

and for the love of FREAKING god, I hope they don't release it to JP people like a year before the rest of the world.

I think they've learned a shitton from FFXI so hopefully they don't make the same retard mistakes.
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I just hope we can sit in chairs in the new one :p Somehow seeing us all standing around all the time makes me tired :eek: . Whether SE lets us transfer characters or not, Ultima could still move en mass, create new characters, and rule the world!

I found this link.

Note the art in the video from 2005 is the same as the "new" stills shown here previously. Hmm Has anyone translated any of the write up concerning these stills?
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I personally never thought PS3 was bigger than 360/Wii. PS3 did so many things that had a negative impact on their business, price being one of them. The only good things they have going for them, from my point of view, are the Blu-Ray winning the HD battle and certain games being exclusive to the PS3 and not multi-platform, like MGS4. I'm definitely going to check out this new MMO though. Hopefully it will be what we all were hoping for.