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Spoilers for ARR and HW ahead. Also sorry for the quite frankly god awful title, my original title was a spoiler.

I feel that Minfilia was written out of the story too soon. I feel a lot of the hate she gets (not that I've really seen anything, it seems most people tend to forget she even existed in the first place) is because most of the current players started with ARR so didn't see her arc (for lack of a better word) in 1.0 and she doesn't really get much characterisation over the course of ARR or the post ARR patch quests.

My idea to avoid this would be to have her come with us to Ishgard for HW rather than get sucked into the lifestream with Thancred and Y'shtola. I feel she'd be a fairly decent foil to the WoL, both have the echo and both have bravery in abundance however to the WoL the echo is just a tool, just another weapon for them to use whereas for Minfilia it's really her only asset (you could argue she has some political acumen but it's not expanded on in ARR, much like her as a character, but you're better off leaving that to Alphinaud anyway) and have her realise that she's dead weight as well as the fact that all but two of the combat capable Scions are MIA so she decides to learn how to fight. This could be done in one of two ways either have her take up one of the jobs introduced in HW or have her learn from the temple knights.

Obviously parts of HW would need rewritten to take into account there's a 4th Scion around, but she could be left in Ishgard during the road trip with Estinien and Ysayle (which is crucial to Alphinaud's development imo) but have her help Lucia save the WoL and Alphinaud when the Garleans have them surrounded as well as join the assault on Azys Lia. And if she absolutely has to be subsumed by Hydaelyn for ShB it can be done at the end of the warriors of darkness storyline in the post HW quests.

Sorry for some of the spoilers making it hard to read, I tried to make sure the more specific ones were spoilered. This is my second attempt to post this as the original had a spoiler in the title and I didn't realise until after I posted it.

submitted by /u/kpnut93
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