Lost Everything Due To Not Being Able To Afford To Play & Was Told To Go To Feedback

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There isn't any feedback forum for the game or posting for an issue like this.

My feedback isn't something complicated...I worked hard to get a house and decorate it and all. I wasn't around, reasoning aside, so I understand it getting demo'd so someone else could HAVE a house.

My issue is that the sheer amount of items and gil I lost permanently because IRL I couldn't afford to play. Why is our stuff being deleted and not just mailed to us or something? This honestly feels worse then being hacked and then being told by devs it's my fault for not being able to afford to pay irl money for something.

It's really demoralizing to have lost everything permanently because I couldn't afford to play for a little bit, I understand the house being demo'd but everything being deleted?

This is pretty much crippling to me. I'm not max, and tbh (despite the MMOs I play and how long I've been playing) I'm trash at making money, and loosing this much is horrible. I've got virtually nothing left and can't really bounce back without starting over again.

My feedback is simple;
Find an alternative to deleting our stuff after demo'ing the house. Just mail it to us and call it a day. Why punish us, especially if we couldn't afford to play? Easily the worst feeling I've had from an MMO

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