Hello there, warriors of darkness !
i've had since Heavensward a very ninja looking glamour, with the Ohojo blades, and i was very satisfied with it, but i'm becoming too accustomed to it, it's become boring ! here's a few pictures :
Kugane rocks
Look from where i am in the main quest
And another look from the side
I was looking for a more armoured look this time. But i've been keeping an eye on the main and side quest rewards on how gear looks, but didn't find anything i liked.
Hence this post : Do you know any efficient way to try on glamours ? i've find a site a or two like https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours but they're just not efficient at all. I'm looking for a more exhaustive database, so i can make some sort of shopping list where i can go and hunt all the pieces of gear i need to achieve my new style !
submitted by /u/Kaporalhart
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