Lf A Fc That Doesn't Have A Lazy Leader, And Vile Officers.

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Good evening.

I'm LF a FC or guild, that doesn't have vile officers and a lazy leader. I was recently kicked out of a FC and their discord, because the leader wouldn't deal with the harassment and vile behavior of an officer.

(RP or no, some things still cross the line.)

As you my assume, I'm concerned for other players that enter that FC. I was going to report all of them, but I was told it wasn't worth it since Square Enix doesn't do anything about it.

(This is a shame, as I'm tried of pedos grinding against my lalafell.)

I'll be taking a break from FF14, to figure out what to do next. Damn shame, since the update just came out and I wanted to see what was next in the story.

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