Let the flame war begin!


FC/Active Member
i think rydiu needs to be shot a little more

and honestly the one thing that really set me off about him had nothing to do with us

after their dynamis shell beat sando or some shit he was like "What are we doing next tuesday? Dynamis - Beaucedine, i'm interested!"

is that not the most cornball shit ever? i can't stand when people use the awkward ass phrases from the auto translater on strictly english forums, and the fact the whole post was an obvious plug for his dyn-shell was just tactless, lol

Tarutaru Death, I'm interested! stfu goddamn

Well, I hadn't heard about this... GREAT JOB on the hog guys!!


I despise Rydiu as much as the next guy. Especially so, actually, becaue he is a BLM, and rather sucky at that, and thus contributes in a small way to our overall image. I also know he has talked shit about us since he didn't get in... I think what was said on that forum was a bit overboard. Whether or not Rydiu was "faking" it, he said what he said, and everyone else that reads his post can only take it as such. I think the way it was handled was very indicitive of a flame war to come; Koul, I agree with what you are saying, but I believe it was inappropriate, and I think if we are trying to hold our LS to standards above others, we need to avoid stuff like this on other forums... Especially when its members of other LS's who MAY be trying to establish better bonds... Regardless of how hard to believe it may be.
I think skyline is.........


He always seems to "notice" Skylines posts first... either he spends *way* too much time at KI or he's skyline talking smack in ways Lucy can't. >.>
Actually I have seen a lot of indications that Skyline is a JP player O.O (mostly from posts he makes non-Ultima related).


PS I still can't believe we beat Nidhogg after pulling 6 flies with him... 6! Guys, we're so good, let's keep it up ;).
This wasn't our first time with Nidhogg...I thought we've killed him before...
I like rydiu, only met him once and it was during the kindred Seal 30 run where we made almost 3 mil in one sitting. I should probably read the link b4 posting tho....

Edit: Ya, what a {dousche}
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that's why i said after my rant that i was saying this out of myself and no one else...thus the linkshells image doesnt/shouldnt get tainted but my own~ when i dont like someone i dont like someone i could care less how "overboard" i go cause i want them to know how much i dont like them
About the flies, it is much easier to kill them when the whole room is linked, since the BLMs can pop a Sleepga II without worrying about and extra darters that join the fray. The time we linked 3 flies with Fafnir was probably the hardest I think, since we had 1 BLM at the time (If I remember correctly) and Sleepga II was not an option. Still we did a great job when 10 of the 18 people in the Alliance dc'ed. ^^