Launcher Issues

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Ignore this post. Everything that happened here was entirely my fault, and i am a fucking fool.

My issue was my network limiter program that i completely forgot about, at some point i put a limit on the launcher's dl speed and completely forgot about it FOR TWO DAYS
jesus christ dude of course i only realise this AFTER finishing everything the hard way, i want to shoot myself... Mods feel free to delete this post, its mostly worthless

Hey forums, Im here not necessarily to ask for help as iv mostly sorted this thing out by myself but in the interests of future reference and to help others who may run into the same problem i will share my unfortunate experience this weekend

To begin at the beginning, in the past week I was having some strange slowdowns in my game launcher, where after launching the game through steam the window with the logo would take far too long to load the login page, sometimes up to 3-4 minutes instead of the usual half a minute, which was a littel frustrating but bearable. My game was set up in a slightly unconventional way, that being that having installed it through steam as the free trial initally it had installed to one of my HDDs instead of the SSD. Knowing how tricky it is to have games with their own launchers/patchers running through steam, when i got the full version i made a symlink between my SSD and the HDD (i am on windows) in order to get the read/write speed of the ssd but keep the folder structure the same.

This worked for months with no issue, and would have kept on working fine as well but in the hopes of fixing what i took to be perhaps a file access issue because of the symlink causing the launcher to slow down when it opened, i endeavoured to do away with the symlink and move the game folder to the SSD legitimately.

Unfortunately, somewhere somehow something went wrong. After copying the FFXIV folder over to another drive, i uninstalled it from steam, reinstalled it to make the directories, then overwrote those with the updated copy, opened the launcher, and lo and behold, it had begun downloading some 21GB of data, for no apparent reason. Understandable, i thought, i can wait for it.

But i could not. The launcher, inexplicably, refused to download any faster than the glroious speed of five kilobytes per second.

Having had issues before with updates i did the usual tricks, checked firewall ports, checked DNS, ipconfig /release, /flushdns the works. I checked the game data folder, it was the full size, uninstalled, reinstalled, nothing, would not go faster than a snail's pace.

I turn to google. After some rummaging around on the second and third page of the results, googling the name of the specific patch file i found an obscure chinese imageboard with one link, my saviour,
Putting this file into my download manager gave me a perfect, maximum speed download, with no issues whatsoever.

By this point i had found in the FFXIV Documents folder a staging folder for the updates, ./downloads/ffxivpatch/4e9a232b//patch inside which were some files who's filenames corresponded to the name of the file the launcher was downloading. Having correctly surmised that this was where the file from the URL should go, i and copied it to the folder, re started the launcher's update and joy of joys, it picked it up and moved on to the next patch.
I then proceeded to queue up the file links, which were handily named xxxxa xxxxb xxxxc xxxd into my download manager and let them finish, then one by one fed them to the launcher by logging in, canceling, copying the next file and letting it patch et cetera. after a while i found a handy excel sheet which contained a list of most of the files which i could use to go ahead of the launcher and dl in advance.

Currently i am sitting at around 70 patch files in the folder, the launcher says like 170mb remaining. This took me the better part of two days since saturday.

Now I humbly request, can anyone tell me, why i had to go such lengths? (Please, be as technical as you must)
Why was it so slow?
What has internet explorer got to do with the launcher? Could that have caused the slowdown? How would it have done that?
How can i avoid this in future?
Are there command line options available for the patcher.exe stub that i could manually use to update?
I dont care how in depth it has to be, i just like it to work.

Also like,
Is there no way to change the routing for the launcher?
Why cant i choose a datacenter to download the files from?
Why did i have to copy each patch file separately and re log in to patch it over each time?
Why cant I do a verification on the game files to check if it has already been downloaded?
These are all basic functions people expect from a launcher program, why do none of these exist in the current launcher?

Anyway, thats all done now, but i cant help but worry about the next patch day, and whether i will have to do this procedure every single time i have to update the game. As i write this the launcher nears the end of the update, after which, i am hoping against hope it will not then require me to do the same thing for all the expansion pack patches...

This is a lovely game and community, and it makes me sad that its software gets in the way of that experience :<

All the best,
Peachy Chychy

Edit: Looks like after finally pushing the last (ARR?) file through the launcher, its letting me play, thank the twelve, see u in eorzea!

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