Job recording in log files

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New Member
One of the features that I lobbied to have included in FFXIP was the ability to type in names/jobs from the log (using /echo commands). This, combined with a table at the top of the HTML, made it a lot easier to go back and look through/repost logs at a later date, without having to try to sleuth which jobs people were using. Here's an example.

I'm not sure if you're taking feature-enhancement requests, or if you're just working on bugfixes, but it's a useful feature when browsing through a lot of logs. Without it, even if I just make the notation through the chatlog (using /echos) myself, I have to open each chatlog file and crossreference to the html manually, which gets a bit tedious when going over a series of logs.

P.S. Is there any way to use a command-line argument to automatically start DvsParse in "Start New Parse" mode? Or is there some reason why that would be unadvisable?
If I'm not mistaken, part of this is in Kalia's plans for the database aspect of the upcoming releases. I could be wrong, but that is how I read Kalia's comments in other threads.

I agreee with you 100%, btw. I would like to see that included as well.
so basically you want to manually type

/echo Kalia THF75/NIN37

And then have the parser parse this and include job statistics in the Html display?

Do-able, sounds like a nice feature too. I do plan to stick a few features in at the end after I finish a bunch of bugfixes, maybe that will make it into 2.0

As for the automatically launching in Start New Parse mode, it's not there because I never thought of it, but it also sounds like a cool idea.
How about being able to copy and past the info in the parser to ffxi? >_> People always ask about what totals are and or acc %
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