Issues While Running Game In 144hz Full Screen.

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Hello there.
For quite some time have been trying to figure out some sort of workaround for this problem, but it always comes up to FFXIV client having some sort of compatibility issues with 100+hz support. Anyways here it goes:

Right now every time FFXIV is launched OR returned to after being alt-tabbed (unminimized) in fullscreen mode monitor will reboot itself (as if desktops and games frame rates were different). Both FFXIV and desktop refresh rate are set to 144hz.

Another bizarre detail. With other games launched in full screen with different refresh rates when alt-tabbed from, monitor will reboot twice, once when minimized and another time when unminimized. With FFXIV this happens only once, when you unminimize the game. So it seems that both game and desktop are running in the same refresh rate, but when you try to go back to FFXIV, there is something else in between that forces signal to restart. This problem persists on different graphic cards (tried only Nvidia ones though), different models of monitors and with both HDMI and DisplayPort cables. Also same things goes for any refresh rate abot 99hz I tried so far (100hz, 120hz and 144hz).

Reinstalling graphics cards drivers and FFXIV didn't help. Also tried messing around with all possible settings in Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\FFXIV.cfg; Nvidia Control panel and NvidiaProfileInspector with no results. Tests were made on different versions of Windows, on multiple machines with quite a big variety of graphic cards at this point starting from some dates ones and up to latests RTX 2070 Super and RTX 2080.

Partial solutions:

1). Playing with Directx 9 version instead of Directx 11 (for some reason Directx 9 allows to freely start the game in fullscreen with 144hz without monitor rebooting);

2). Limiting monitors refresh rate via it's own settings to 60hz (there are some monitors which are locked to their max rate like 144hz, so this will not work for everyone).

3). Playing in borderless windowed mode (slightly reduces your FPS and increases input lag).

So, can it be qualified as a bug?
It's definitely not a general Full Screen issue since when running FFXIV via Directx9 or with monitor 60hz limit alt-tabbing happens instantly as if with windowed mode.

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