Just thought it could be helpful to see things like the above, since the locations are so consistent on where you can spend tomes that a notice would be consistent and not too often.
When the tomestones shift the list could represent that shift which I think would be a bit helpful of a reminder, once was X Y Z are now poetics. Could put other icons there, but depending on what it might clutter the list with icons (like if you put a repair icon in the teleport list then pretty much every teleport would have it.. would be like putting an aetheryte icon on it lol.. "of course I know I can teleport there~!").
An example of another icon that might be helpful are gathering/crafting scrips, and perhaps beast tribe markers.
Potential added functionality if you can click the icon and it'll mark on the map where that spender / spending area is (so if you clicked poetics on mor dhona it'd mark out the two shop keepers there for poetics).
Another idea is for hubs they get a hub icon instead (like above example but instead of tomestone it's something else), and when you hover over the icon / teleport it does a little tooltip/extra info pop up that tells you what's there (tomes X Y, Raid X Y, Scrips, etc).
Other usage icons could be things undiscovered, but that might be a bit much on servers. An example would be if you haven't revealed out the map, if there remains quests, view points, etc. If you put your mouse over the icon it'd list out what you could do in each area and the whole icon would vanish if nothing is left (ideally in game settings you could filter this too, so if you wanted to ignore view points and count an area finished you could). Though again I 'assume' that might be an issue on the servers (trying to pull all potential activities completed/not).. so it's just an off the wall idea.
Just a QoL idea, not needed but maybe helpful in quick info and possibly useful for other concepts (so long as they're not so repetitive like repair station or something).
The main desire just being a quick visual eye grabber for tome spending locations

Thanks for reading~
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