In Case Anyone is Interested or For Nintendo Fans


Number Two
FC/Active Member
A couple months ago, Nintendo held a contest for the best Nintendo-themed videos. I threw something together pretty quickly, as I could only find enough time to devote 2 or 3 days to it. Didn't make it as a finalist, but posted it on Youtube anyway. If anyone would care to watch, you can find it here...

Some of my other stuff can be found there, too. Although most of it's old and non-work-related.
That was cool >^.^< Very amusing.
I liked it, Shadowedge!

Slight derail, I was just checking your other movies and noticed that you did a music video for one of the songs I've heard before. You did an awesome job at making a movie that matched the one in my mind almost exactly (even the flashbacks, lol).

(Careful, it's not the cheery one he's got above. It's an Eminem song so it's got a large amount of cursing.)

That's awesome.
The more pressing question is where the hell did you find a Virtual Boy, and does it still work :eek:

I remember the RL RPG video that you made that you sent my sister (Bottle), extremely well done and hilarious.
I have a working Virtual Boy in my closet. lol

At one point during a move the visor thing popped off but otherwise, its in great condition.
Thanks, Ara =)

I've had that Virtual Boy forever, but somewhere along the line, I lost the stand for it. Now the only way to use it is to strap it to my head with a bungie cord. And that hurts. So I don't do it. But yeah, it still works.