I Am Going To Say Something Unpopular . . .

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Anxiety is not an excuse to place one needs above others, and being a new player is not a get out of responsibly card one can use at the drop of a hat.

Also please do not take being removed from a group as a personal attack unless the group stats it a personal attack. Being removed is not the end of the world and often times often just boils down a difference in play style which is inherently not a bad thing. People are different. On the same token please do not try to hold a group hostage but waiting out loot timers, engaging in combat to prevent a kick from going through.

Be it for whatever reason, respect one another across the board if the group wants to speed run and you do not feel okay with it request to be voted out of the group or leave on your own accord. Same if the group wants to take it slower do not needlessly put a player in a situation that makes them uncomfortable, but also as a player take steps to minimize that risk when possible.

We are all part of the same community.

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