How To Play Beginner Sch And Other Things

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Hi! I'm new to FFXIV, and I currently have a level 50 scholar. I bought the Shadowbringers expansion and I've read up on a couple of scholar guides, but there are so many confusing things that I don't understand like what GCD is exactly or weaving and co-healing and stuff like that. I've got a couple questions that I'm hoping people can help me with?

  1. As I continue to level up, what skills should I be using the most as a Scholar healer? So far I've been using mostly Physik, but apparently that's a big no go?

  2. Do I need to worry about high level tactics if my main goal right now is just to beat the storyline?

  3. I heard that you can do dungeons un-level synched? Are there any pros and cons to doing that? So far I've always been level synched when replaying dungeons...

  4. Does anyone know where I can find a list of FFXIV acronyms that I should know? I keep seeing so many capital letters but I can't put any meanings behind them.

  5. Do you have any general tips that a newbie SCH who hasn't unlocked all of her skills yet should know?

Thanks so much!!

submitted by /u/akero360
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