How To Get The Best Weapon And Armor

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Yesterday I reached level 80 and my most important goal now is to get the best (Samurai) weapon and armor that the game offers.

I have done some googling and "think" this may be by running Eden's Promise. But, as often happens to me in this game, google doesn't always give the best information.

Assuming Eden's Promise is where I should aim, my current IL is 430 and I believe the minimum IL you need to get in there is 485. What is the easiest way to get to overall IL of 485? I purchased a IL510 weapon and Body armor. That used up all my gil.

One of the players in my FC recommended soloing Sastasha unsynched. I have not tried to do this yet. Is this a good way to obtain the gil I need to buy the armor I need to get to IL485? What are some other ways that you recommend to get gil?

I also considered crafting. But it seems to me that for this to be a good source of gil requires one to reach level 80 in a craft. I have a lvl 39 goldsmith, but my guess is that to get him up to level 80 is a long and time consuming venture.

Any thoughts any of you have on how to eventually wind up with the best weapon and armor in the game will be appreciated!

Thank you!

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