How This Game Is A Ray Of Light In My Life Right Now.

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Disclaimer: if you're looking for a 'useful' post or something to gain more insight in your life, this is not the post for you. This is just me venting. Also, this is copypasted and edited from my original post in r/JRPG.

I don't know how to put it into words. I've been a WoW fanboy since 2008 and been playing nonstop since then, even through it's bad times, even when the story took a nosedive with time travels, even when everything felt disjointed between the books, the comics and even the game itself, even when Blizzard put itself in the eye of the storm with the Blitzchung incident, even with the hideous ending for one of the biggest plot points in the whole game.

However after these latest story additions, I decided it was time for a change.

I have also been a FF fanboy since early 2000, I remember starting with FFVII in the PSOne and then playing every single one, aside from the online ones, so now for the first time I decided to try FFXIV.

Man, I just feel like a kid being in love for the first time. The story is freaking amazing, the gameplay is so polished and engaging, the multi-class system gets me playing every single class at the same time and it never gets boring. The characters are lovely and all of them are actually important. This game made me actually care about the people "I'm saving" because I kept revisiting them and talking to all of them, it's not like: "Hey, I'm the leader of this very important expedition to the enemy frontlines, this plan could easily turn the tables of this war. Please go kill 5 rabbits and uh yeah, you're dismissed, just forget about me, Champion." The characters, the npc, the quest givers, they all have personality, emotes and little things that makes each and every one of them very unique. The cutscenes and cinematics: amazing. The dungeon design: espectacular. The Primal battles, the Raids, the fact the story mode is sort of a JRPG story line and not an MMO one, the character interactions, the variety of features when leveling and at max level (which I haven't even reached but I sure I'm longing for). The events, the varity of flavor in the quests. The music! Even the community, I can't believe how a community can change the way you enjoy a videogame, my experience with this one has been nothing but good things, very cooperative people, laughs and overjoy everywhere.

Ugh. I honestly don't know why I cared so much about WoW, why I forgave every mistake Blizzard made just because 'I know they can do better', why I kept gaving them money when there was something clearly better out there waiting for me.

I love Final Fantasy XIV. This game has changed my life for good, and has made me fall in love all over again with this genre, and with this saga. Even more in these trying times. I wake up eager knowing my little Au Ra girl is gonna be there waiting for me to keep kicking some Ascian arses.

Thank you Square Enix.

submitted by /u/MarcusKaelis
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