How Latency-friendly Is Ff14?

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I've been trying FF14 on and off for a bit.

I live out in a very rural area, so satellite is my only option.

How latancy-friendly is FF14? We're talking 1000ms latency.

Comparison: World of Warcraft is pretty friendly. I don't do Mythic+ or normal raiding. (Just LFR) But I DPS, heal, and tank without much problem. (Healing is the hardest.)

What I am finding in FF14 is a lot of telegraphed attacks I can't get out of in time. And even if I do, it still registers a hit. (The server and I are seeing different things.)

So I try to learn a fight and figure out when it is going to throw down something that I need to start moving out of. It's hard, but I am trying.

Are there upcoming mechanics that are one-shot? Impossible for me to move out of and killable?

I don't play to do anything beyond dungeons and world PvE. (And large group activities)

Should I give up now? Or can FF14 work with my handicap?

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