How Do I Find A Troubled Adventurer?

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For me, learning how to play this game is 567 steps backwards and 568 forward. :)

I just discovered that in order to sell things on the market board I need to hire a retainer.

So I google the requirements to do that and am told I have to visit a "Troubled Adventurer" in New Gridania (11,12), Lower Decks Limsa Lominsa (9,11), or Steps of Nald in Ul'dah (9,8). And yes, I have already completed the msq required quest.

The coordinates for Ul'dah are off the map as are the coordinates for Limsa Lominsa.

I can get to (11,12) in New Gridania but there is no Troubled Adventurer there.

What am I missing? Is the information I am getting from google outdated?

Can anyone give me accurate information as to where I can found one of these elusive fellows?

As always, thank you!

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