hey aang~~ <3


nyquil zombie
FC/Active Member
I think I'm hitting an early mid-life crisis and was wondering if I could stay with you in Japan?

I ask because I'm tempted to sell everything (cept for my camcorder and computer) and go to Japan.

I figure if I run low on money I could sell myself to homo businessmen.

Which brings me to my next question:
How much do you pay for your callboys? I want to get a figure so I can work out some funding stuff

Are you drunk?

1. You can come visit, not stay.
2. You could work at one of these "Host" bars, where girls (and guys) pay to have the company of a "Host". (Hostess bars being the female version.) But generally, you'd have to speak Japanese.
3. No idea about "Callboys".


I think I'm hitting an early mid-life crisis and was wondering if I could stay with you in Japan?

I ask because I'm tempted to sell everything (cept for my camcorder and computer) and go to Japan.

I figure if I run low on money I could sell myself to homo businessmen.

Which brings me to my next question:
How much do you pay for your callboys? I want to get a figure so I can work out some funding stuff

No, I'm not drunk. But a part of me really really wants to do what I typed.
No, I'm not drunk. But a part of me really really wants to do what I typed.

Well, it's a bit more complicated than just coming here, lol.

You should do your research if you are serious (other than selling yourself...) No offense, you'd need to qualify for a visa to stay here over 90 days.
Yeah you can't work without a work visa, and you can't get a work visa without having a job here lined up basically.
アクワさん > 小坂のたこやきはとてもおいしですね
Koul, if you arrive next Saturday I'll pay you five bucks a day to be my bag bitch for the week. Hell I'll even buy a leash and a spiked collar and parade you around Akiba. If I'm lucky I'll find someone to buy you (or rent even)!
Just don't think about dropping the stray in my neck of the woods.

If you are going to put a leash on him, be sure to go to Yoyogi, would be normal for there.
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I want to be like those people who sell everything and back-pack europe only not a neo-hippie.

I can't do that in japan? and I haveta have a fuckin work visa to sell my body to nasty businessmen? wtf

okay, how about any suggestions to doing something drastic in life.

I just need something crazy to happen.
Stuff I'm wanting:

  • 45 car pile-up
  • this street that has a gas station on each corner, I want all the gas stations to blow up
  • Huge tornado to rip through my town
  • 3/4ths of the world population die
what if I learned japanese? could I work at like a manga store then or something?

wait, what's Yoyogi?

wtf that visa shit is so confusing. I just want to go to the god damn country.
Leaving everything behind and just going is highly overrated.

Speaking as someone who did it.

EDIT: Visa sounds the same as for America - there are visitor's visas (tourist visas generally) - to stay for an extended period of time, you need your visa to be approved by the embassy or consulate. If you wish to work, you need a job lined up and have the employer petition for your paperwork.
1. Yoyogi is a popular park. Google it.
2. There are a number of legit ways to get to Japan
A) With a college degree, Teach English. [Quite easy to get, sadly.]
B) Enroll in a school here (i.e. Temple University)
C) Apply to some cultural program that will sponsor you.
D) Learn Japanese, with a degree... there is a slight chance to get hired somewhere if you can be bilingual.
E) Marry a J-girl. [Sorry, no guys Koul.]
3. You can come to Japan for 90 days on a tourist permit, some people fly to Korea every 90-days to renew it... however, with the new finger-printing system... you are limited to a total of 180 days. Immigration is super-tight here, unlike the states. You could get a Japan Rail Pass from America and tour Japan to see if you even like it. Outside of Tokyo, it's small towns and rural areas. (Except Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya... medium size cities.)

If you want to see some of the crazy stuff people try, read this forum.

And if you take the English teaching route... read this crazy stuff.

As Puss likes to tell me lately, Ganbette! :shades02:



I want to be like those people who sell everything and back-pack europe only not a neo-hippie.

I can't do that in japan? and I haveta have a fuckin work visa to sell my body to nasty businessmen? wtf

okay, how about any suggestions to doing something drastic in life.

I just need something crazy to happen.
Stuff I'm wanting:

  • 45 car pile-up
  • this street that has a gas station on each corner, I want all the gas stations to blow up
  • Huge tornado to rip through my town
  • 3/4ths of the world population die
what if I learned japanese? could I work at like a manga store then or something?

wait, what's Yoyogi?

wtf that visa shit is so confusing. I just want to go to the god damn country.
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Well you need a work visa to work legally. Standard passport allows you for 90 days. When landing they require you to document where you are staying.
Yoyogi is a park, in the Harijuku area, known for just rare and odd behavior, and also some good live performance. Google it, I am sure you can find something.

Just for you Aa since yo beat me to the answers.