Help Picking Na Data Center/world For New Player

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I recently got FFXIV while it was on sale. I have experience with MMORPGs before, but FFXIV always looked different to me, so I was wanting to try it. I'm looking at the Data Centers and World possibilities and getting a bit confused for choosing. I'm reading online that players can visit any world within the same Data Center, so does choosing a world matter a lot? I see preferred worlds for bonus exp and gil, but I'm not sure what the normal game pace is for leveling, so I don't know if I want to speed through the game/levels (though I do want to get all the jobs maxed). I don't have any friends that play FFXIV and the only person I do know is a Youtuber who plays on Excalibur (which is hard to get into apparently).

I'm stuck between Aether or Primal for Data Center (through reading, probably unnecessary, world "stereotypes"), but from what I saw in game Primal doesn't have any preferred worlds. If I'm looking to get into casual raiding, dungeons, minimum/no rp, and farming endgame content, which Data Center/World would be better? Do preferred worlds level up too quickly to get overwhelmed by content (too much content in the eyes of a new player)? Any advice regarding this selection is helpful as I've spent too much time thinking about it already. Not sure if it matters either but I'm wanting to start out/main Arcanist. Still new to what FFXIV has to offer, so I missed something I do apologize.

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