Help me out! Where is this from?


Kitteh's Meow
I need to find the source of this music.

Here's an audio clip:

I've been looking for about 2 days with no luck. I'm 99% sure I've heard it before, but I don't remember where.

Would like to identify it so I can get a real copy of it. (And maybe whatever else is associated with it...)

TIA if you can help.

Is the audio you provided from a soundtrack? Is it a cover of a song?
My iPhone app for naming songs (Shazam, free if you're interested) thinks it's "Once Upon a Time in Africa" from the Madagascar soundtrack. It also thinks it might be "Roam" by the B-52s, so who knows how accurate it is. ^_^;;
My iPhone app for naming songs (Shazam, free if you're interested) thinks it's "Once Upon a Time in Africa" from the Madagascar soundtrack. It also thinks it might be "Roam" by the B-52s, so who knows how accurate it is. ^_^;;

Oh sweet.. will have a look. :D --- I'm betting on Soundtrack, which is what I thought it was. B-52's, haha... :google:
Varda! Much <3 <3!!!

It was: Madagascar: Zoosters Breakout

Thanks so much!!!

And I should have trusted my gut, It sounds like a Hans Zimmer work and it was. :D