Hedgehog Pie?


Kitteh Paws
Hiya! I was wondering if anyone in our LS makes these (or if they even sell). I've been trying out some of the upper end foods recently and this appears to be what I should be using.

I currently use Yellow Curry and probably won't see too much of a difference, but even a small difference is something to try out.

Yellow Curry
HP +20
Strength +5
Agility +2
Intelligence -4
HP Regeneration While Healing +2
MP Regeneration While Healing +1
Resist Stun
Resist Sleep
Attack +20% (Cap: 75@375 Base Attack)
Ranged Attack +20% (Cap: 75@375 Base Ranged Attack)

Hedgehog Pie
HP +55
Strength +6
Vitality +2
Intelligence -3
Mind +3
MP Regeneration While Healing +2
Attack +18% (Cap: 90@500 Base Attack)
Ranged Attack +18% (Cap: 90@500 Base Ranged Attack)
Accuracy +5

As it sits right now, my THF/DRK has a 420ATT base without food or /ja. I'm barely at the turning point right now where I should be considering a new food type.

Yellow Curry = 20% , +75ATT @ 375ATT
Hedgehog Pie = 18%, +90ATT @ 500ATT

Base STR = +52 (52-5 due to Sole Sushi in effect, Tatami Shield adds +5STR)

Yellow Curry
420ATT + 75ATT = 495ATT (52 STR+5 STR = 57 STR, odd /2 for 3ATT)
495ATT + 3ATT = 498ATT with Yellow Curry

Hedgehog Pie
420ATT + 75.6ATT (.18 * 420ATT) = 495.6ATT (52 STR+6 STR, even /2 for 4ATT)
495.6ATT + 4ATT = 499.6ATT with Hedgehog Pie

The ATT difference may not be much, but I'm checking out the additional stats that Hedgehog Pie provides. The addition of +55HP will increase Souleater output slightly, +1STR over Curry, -2AGI, +2VIT, +1INT (Curry subtracts 4), +3MND, and +5 Accuracy.

I have tried Red Curry (516ATT) and I really liked it, but there's no way I have the gil to support a 55K food every three hours, lol. Can anyone make Hedgehog pies if I supply the ingredients? I'm noticing the King Truffles may be hard to come by.
You might also consider going with Bison Steak. Since it's a considerably lower level, it is much easier to HQ into Marbled Steak than Hedgehog Pie is to HQ into Porcupine Pie. Marbled Steak will give you +95 Attack, with a base of 527.
Archain let's ME bitch him around >=]

...jk... But I wish he would ; ; The purple crusader is so AWESOME.
Aida said:
Feel free to bully JGP into continuing to level Aida's cooking.

Jgp isn't a sexy kitten with a short fuse that we have come to love and hold dear. The opposite indeed, so why don't grace us with your presence some time, huh? It's been long enough for crying out loud:arg:
It's been a while since I've seen this one, lol.

I actually gave Red Curry a shot last night just to see what it did and decided to sub /WAR instead of /DRK.



The huge pricetag on Red Curry (100K+) and Hedgehog Pie (70K+) now have me looking at Sis Kebabi as a cheap alternative for everyday messing around. The vendor sells these for a fixed 2K in Whitegate.