Harry Potter can suck it


FC/Active Member
So I haven't seen the 4th Harry Potter movie, and decided I would rent it before seeing the new one.

I went to 5 local video stores, not a single one had it around. I then said fuck it I'll just buy a copy, went to 2 Best Buys & 2 Circuit Cities, no fucking copies. WTF!!!

So after literally hours driving around these pathetic stores that apparently don't know how to stock their own shelves I come home, call my friend to see if he owns one, he does, so I drive 5 minutes down the road & borrow it.

Seriously, WTFH
...now, mind you, this is from an outsider of Ultima, who was still struggling with my subjob quest when Garret was tanking God knows what big scary things, so it's partially that and partially the choice to play a Galka, but - I have this larger-than-life image of Garret the Galka, and I just can't picture Garret the Galka watching Harry Potter. <.<;;

Or, well, I can, but it's making me giggle.

So what'd you think of the movie? I thought the GoF book was outstanding. The movie was meh, the ending rocked, but unless you're an actual HP follower, it prolly won't be worth to sit through the entire movie just to see the kickass ending.
Oddly enough, I just caught up on HP movies by watching Goblet of Fire last weekend. I caught it on cable, but I'm surprised you couldn't find a copy. Maybe everyone else is (re)watching it before the new one comes out....

As for content, I agree with Lexa. The book was really good, but the movie was just ok aside from the very well done ending.
Ron Weasley /

The movies are ok, though I thought that OoTP was much better than the previous movies considering how much of the 876 pages they managed to squeeze in to it. I just wish they had left in Weasley is our King. Hope you like it Garret.
IMHO, Order of the Phoenix sucked in that it lacks the fun, mystery, and "magic" the other movies had.
Due to my blatant lack of Norwegian friends and my complete lack of desire to go to the movies alone, I prolly won't see OotP until I get back to the states in three weeks or so. I thought the OotP book was the weakest of the really long books, though (though I think the second book was the weakest overall), so I'm curious to see how they managed the transition to movie.
first one was good, the second one was good but only because Kenneth Branagh and alan rickman are amazing, the third one sucked, but it still had emma thompson in it, and the 4th one was a God awful stain on the wall. I can only imagine this next one...
The majority of the 4th movie was just fluff. They spent way too much time on the tournament and puberty without going into much of the backstory at all. Ralph Fiennes almost made up for the rest of it though. The redeeming point from GoF was that it drove home for Harry that there was a real battle at hand that not everyone was going to walk away from.

So far the 3rd and 5th movies are my favorites because they cut to the core of the Voldemort v. Harry story arc and focus on a lot of the background as to what really happened to his family.

I need to catch up on the books. I'm about a 1/4 through 4 right now. The wife is the big fan in the house though. She's got the last book on preorder and will probably read it all in one sitting tomorrow.
Yeah I wasn't really a fan of the 4th movie other than the ending. It seemed to be so much unimportant stuff and then BAM BIG FIGHT!

Probably my least favorite of the movies so far, I haven't read the books before, a bit too fantasy light for me. Prefer my Feist, Martin, Goodkind & Jordan.

I'm not quite larger than life in person Lexa, more so just pretty tall, lol. =P
Yeah I wasn't really a fan of the 4th movie other than the ending. It seemed to be so much unimportant stuff and then BAM BIG FIGHT!

Probably my least favorite of the movies so far, I haven't read the books before, a bit too fantasy light for me. Prefer my Feist, Martin, Goodkind & Jordan.

I'm not quite larger than life in person Lexa, more so just pretty tall, lol. =P

You know you read Jacqueline Carey :alien005:
harry potter > all

The fourth book actually won a Hugo award, which really shocked me. Then I read it myself and could kinda see where that came from. Not certain I completely agree that it should have won, but at least it was a decent contender for the award.
so we ordered the new book through amazon. it was guaranteed for delivery today. however, since they didn't tell us they moved from UPS to USPS it got delivered to our office and locked in. I almost went by there earlier but I never saw the tag in the mail til after they closed. so now we're returning it to amazon on monday and buying it somewhere else tonight. lol
I went to Super Target on Saturday morning for groceries and such, and there were 28 copies of the new book sitting there at the checkout line. Guess they made sure they sent out enough to satisfy demand. ^_^

(But I'm still going to wait for the paperback.)
I couldn't resist, and bought the last book. <.<;;

Totally best in the series, though.
Some people didn't like this last book because of the lull in the middle of it but...that was kind of the point. And there was so much action at the beginning and the end, it more than made up for it.

At the end I couldn't help but think...man...that's going to make an awesome movie...