Happy Birthday Zeri!!

Is it because you're never online?

PS: Needs more adventure stories in that one subforum only the men have access to.
I don't know what you are referring to, but updated regardless ^^
Although I shouldn't have since you BLEW MY COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
L O L.

Happy Birtday Zeri! or しあわせなたんじょび、ゼリ!
Happy Birthday, Zeri!! :)
Happy Birthday Zeri!

:omedeto:(not sure what it says, but it looks like a cake!)

Happy Birthday!!! =^.^=
happy bday!

Awww... thanks guys! <3 ^_^

Except Raz. I don't need to MPK you when you do it for yourself running into rooms with 5 skeletons, 3 dogs, and maybe a side of one or two ghosts. ;P