Gold Ingots


Fatty Pirate
These haven't been selling too well, and I'm going to have several stacks I want to get rid of. If anyone's interested let me know, I'll let them go for under AH price.
I'll take them off your hands. I've got a mule in sandy where i store all my synth materials, send me a tell when i'm in game and we can trade.
Well, the release of the chocobo breeding have caused gold leaves (used in Chocolixirs) to jump to nearly 10x what they were, so I won't be making the ingots after all :o Until the leaves come back down, anyways. I'll let you know when they come down though ^^;
I've been mining like crazy to make money since I started back last week. If you need gold, I have a few ores and will more than likely have more in the next few days. Under AH price to Ultima members of course.