Gm Feedback: No Action Taken; Setting Double Standards With Griefing At Hunt Marks.

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I'm going to start by saying that a small group of individuals on the Aether data center has taken upon themselves to be a bunch of deviants by trying to spawn/solo the ARR S rank hunts as much as possible.

This in itself is not actually anything wrong, though I've been attempting to defend my server's hunts from these guys by locating/relaying them quickly enough that people can generally still get there in time to get credit.

The problem is that said individuals are getting frustrated by this and have now decided to retaliate by attempting to reset the Forbidden Rebellion minions whenever they spawn in order to deny everyone the pile of nuts/tomestones that comes from the S rank in question (One of them actually left a message on Discord stating the intent).

They do this by switching to BLU, waiting by the spawn point for one of the minions if a Shadowbringers S rank is currently being killed in the zone, then using Self-destruct to immediately aggro then reset the minion if it does show up, which prevents the Forbidden Rebellion from being spawned, as all four need to be successfully killed for this to happen but they'll despawn if they ever leave combat.

These players have been mass-reported during two different S ranks spawn waves but as of today, they are still camping out at Shadowbringers S ranks and persisting with this behavior; seemingly untouched by the GMs.

This makes absolutely no sense at all, because:

1. Most importantly, resetting an actual S rank is considered griefing and people have been banned for it; some of them people who were specifically trying to fight back against the malicious behavior of the players in question in a more aggressive manner.

2. Their intent is extremely obvious due to them consistently repeating a pattern of behavior that serves absolutely no purpose other then to anger and frustrate other players.

3. This is even worse then resetting a S rank because it straight up prevents one from spawning entirely and is denying people potential rewards.

I'm not sure what kind of backwards logic the GMs are following here, but all I can say is that I'm horribly disappointed that nothing is being done about this when they've been very prompt about addressing other forms of harassment/griefing.

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