Glitch or New abil?


'Former - Master Thief'
FC/Active Member
I dont know if anybody else has been noticing.... but I've been seeing various mobs, when engaged, warp to the <pos> of their engager instead of running normally...... to my knowledge, the only mob allowed to do that is Dolls.... Dunno... it's been bugging me.. and everytime I think about that.... I go back to the guide where it says to get away from a mob, use the terrain to slow them down or get away from the completely... how the hell are you suppose to do that when they can warp right to your <pos> now..... and wtf is up with the Puck spawn in the middle of the lizards in the first big area of the Den.... THat use to be a great spot for xp, now it just suck cuz you gotta fight that damn puck to get to other lizards in the back area... and there is even a spawning back there now too.....Sucks for blink tnkers...... The Den blows now for xp unless you have a pld tnk.......
I noticed it a lot playing BST since the update Valg. I had been playing for 2-3 days straight before, and then the days after, and I noticed it. Mobs used to do that every once in a while, now they seem to do it a lot. For example, I would send my pet to Attack a mob, and it would just sit by me. Then, all of a sudden it would warp to the mob and start attacking. However, I believe that it can only warp after waiting the sufficient amount of time. That is, it can only teleport as far as it could normally walk in the time it takes. I could be wrong, but this is just what I noticed.

I'm gonna say its a glitch, when I was playing BST I noticed the same exact thing jo is saying, i send my pet to attack, he sits next to me for a bit (like im lagged out or some crap), then all of a sudden he pops near the mob and starts attacking it. They also seem to have a longer attack range, like they can hit you from farther away now. I was good at getting away from aggroed mobs now I cant seem to get out of range, I am going to try it out later on some too weaks to see if i can run away from stuff properly still.

I've noticed this the past few days pulling in Valley of Sorrows... all of a sudden, after I fire on a Raptor, it's right next to me tearing me apart.. I thought I was just lagging... but, {Hmmm.}

This has always happened to Beastmasters, widly known glitch amoung the Bst community. other glitched include: Your monster spinning around in place on top of the monster and your monster not moving when you use (Fight). Maybe since other jobs are getting the glitch, the programmers will do something about it instead of leaving beastmasters in the dust like always.
Har we learned a bit more about this glitch at kirin today ^^;

I played BST before and after the update (I was actually logged out in the field during the patch, in the middle of some BST xp) and I can tell you that although this glitch did exist before, it is now evolved and even more annoying. Pets could always randomly teleport to the mobs; however, now it seems that the mobs can do the same. In fact, they seem to have a greater range. On harder mobs I will often send 1-2 pets, or even 3, before I finish it off with my mighty Tarutaru axe (or my new Monster Signa! :shades02: ) However, especially in one particular instance yesterday, this is not always the case... I ran pretty far away from the Goblin to find another Mandragora, I see my pet HP fall to 0, and almost immediately the mob was on top of me beating me down... Nearly impossible to survive under these conditions sometimes.

However, on a good note, I found Serpopard Ishtar in Tahrongi Canyon yesterday while EXPing on Dhalmels... NM Dhalmel himself. No great drops, but a level 20 NM... Being the level 16 BST that I was, that not only rates him VT-IT to me, but he's also got that NM buffness! I was able to throw Dhalmels at him (and used Reward twice, so the battle must've taken 5-10 minutes) and actually won... So I'm happy ^_^d
Dont you wish you could warp away from mobs in the same manner they are warping to you.....:dead-01:


(Deadly Hold 1890 dam.)
{Kirin} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>W-A-R-P>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :split: {Dar}
Darwen >> Mages can and typically do. :)

/ma Warp <me> :number1:
reminds me of a story

we were in LB, campin Ose for chim (we were like 69-70 i think)

Deva goes afk in some corner, as deva tended to. dertick and chim were sittin there minding business when 2 flying mantas aggro deva

i'm in buburimu, when derk says somethin like "uh ben coem hree"

i figure out what's goin on, run my ass in (training cocks scorps and mantas to them, use my chainspell escape macro, and saved everyone's asses when derk had like 120 hp and chim 300

deva returned like 15 minutes later and wondered what was goin on

what were we talking about again? >_>
yeh they were

god took us like 20 hours to get you yer damn jerkin


wtf is this french fry head lol
lol yeah we did :x but i got dagger n sword up a lot during them runs, huzzah

needa do that to get GS 188 > 250 lol...ground strike is neat i herd