G-pose Is Amazing, But Could We Get Some Video Features Added?

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So, G-Pose, that great screenshot making feature of FF14 is one of my favorite things in the game. The only odd thing about this though, is I don't normally use it for screenshots - I use it for videos.

I frequently use G-Pose as a means to make videos and get great angles for various shots. There's a lot of great features that can make my videos from mediocre to something that stands out (though my machinima get almost no views while my basic tutorials can get thousands...).

The thing about G-Pose though is that it's made for still shots: walking in place, everyone glued to the floor where they stand, freeze framing, ect. This means that I need to be creative to use it in action shots in video, or even just for moving the head to address someone. So, if possible, I'd like to request the addition of various features in the future that could aid video production as well as screenshots.

For instance - If the "movement" section of G-Pose allowed for a character to move forward a set distance before resetting we could do all sorts of videos scenes with such - walk ins, running, chasing, ect. It could also help with screenshots if you weren't sure where the best place to be standing for that movement pose would be best with a shot, this would save having to readjust and starting up G-Pose again.

I'd also like to ability to trigger emotes on command. Being able to press a button and have a character in the "Scene" take an action would be very beneficial for timing, especially for those of us who try to use comedic timing.

Just having access to controls of G-Pose though buttons would greatly improve it's effectiveness in videos, since you can't exactly pull up the menu and moves sliders or hit buttons while filming (limb darkening, turning lights on/off/darken/lighten, ect).

Also, while I'm at it.... could we get the ability to SET the time of time in G-Pose, not just freeze it. I'm tired of waiting 30 minutes to do a reshoot when I find out my mouse was visible during a shoot. My old videos were..... very time inconsistent...

And any features I'm sure the devs can think of for improving G-Pose to help with video makers. It's one of my favorite features and I'm always delighted when the devs improve it, but I'd like to see a few features made to help with the process of video creation.

So that's my little petition to look into a few more features I'd like to see included in G-Pose or at least looked into. Anyone else here a content creator that uses G-Pose for video sequences?

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