
Some days are better than others.

Today is a, "I have 80 different projects with major stuff happening and no clue wth to do with them" day.
/point {Garbage Can}

{Do you need any help?}

/comfort... My work sucks too. Granted, my work isn't hectic / fast-paced / schedule-oriented like yours... But its annoying as hell! Go play iSketch =D
My work sucks. I'm trying to fix some crash and I have no freaking clue what's causing it.
I got a new job too!! Starting Monday^^

Thanks for cheering me on guys, I was seriously worrying^^;

Hey Benny major {Congratulations} and /cheer. What are you going to be doing?

At this point in my job I haven't even been here 2 months and I am seriously at the point of worrying about finding a new job so I can quit this one.

Right now I am sitting here trying to make heads and tails out of a bunch of quotes I have for a piece of equipment I know almost nothing about. One quote has about 5 revisions, I have numerous other quotes that are clumped together with multiple pieces of equipment for multiple sites. The budget we have set for this isn't looking to be enough, I'm waiting to hear back from a facilities guy for some specs to give to a vendor so I can get the right quote clarified. My boss would like these ordered by basically tomorrow if I could and expects me to just sort of pick a $20-40k piece of equipment out... This is just 1 of my 5 or so main projects.

Any of you work in Mass and know any good job leads? ^_^
I'm gonna be working in wire transfers at the Mortgage Loan division of East Colonial Bank... basically handling money to send to mortgage companies to finance them in their business endeavours. I'm damn glad to be back to a nice 9-5 schedule instead of my other recent job that was like 8:30 - 7:00 most of the time^^;. Plus the bank building is a mere block away from the main branch of orlando's public library, so I'll have an excuse to go check that out.

Speaking of jobs... having gotten sick of the office life and being in the same job now for 7.5 years... I applied for a Firefighter/Paramedic job in a local county here. I dont like the daily grind of office life and really have grown very tired of it. The department applied to has a schedule where you work 10-12 days a month and the rest is off time. And the beauty part? My salary would stay just about the same + I get loads of overtime if I want it. I'm a Paramedic part-time now, so I would have put up with the Fire side just to get through FF basic school. (yuck, I'm not really a fire person at all...)

It's a government job, so of course... it will take forever to get tested, checked out and actually in recruit school which is 20 weeks long. ><
Quite the switch AA, good luck.

I've been at the office gig 2 months now and hate it I think I might string myself up if I were in it for 10 years, at least this office.
Hey Aa, I found something that I think sums up how pretty much both of us feel right now.

benny said:
I got a new job too!! Starting Monday^^

Thanks for cheering me on guys, I was seriously worrying^^;


Yay Benny, you've only gone months without one =P
Haha Kalia, nice pic... Scary, but so true.

Anyhow, yes, I'm starting to also realize my line of work is not really so great - warehouse work isn't for me I guess. Its only a summertime job of course, but what's sad is there's a ton of people here working as a career - people who didn't go to college and resorting to a $10.50 / hour job for their money; they're hard workers, and I commend that, but I don't think I want to work like this for less than 10/hr for the rest of my life ^^;