Fresh Level 80, Ready To Gear Up? Time For A 5.2 Update!

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The last one seemed to help a lot of people, so while I'm sure there will be some saying of nay, let's do this again to lay out the process. First, the quick bullet points for those that don't like a lot of reading:

Bullet point format:

1) Finish MSQ!! Ideally up to 5.3, but you might need to get some gear upgrades for the later dungeons.

2) Dungeons for ilevel 430(5.0)/445(5.1)/455(5.2) gear. Your first goal is to get to ilevel 425 so you can enter Eden 1-4.

3) Eden 1-4 once you have the ilevel for it (again 425). Run 1-4, then run Eden 4 three more times to get a total of 4 weapon tokens. After that, you can run it to fill in more slots or move on to Copied Factory if you have the ilevel for it. Copied Factory requires ilevel 435, so that's your next goal here.

4) Copied Factory for 460 left side pieces (excluding belt) and for Manufactured Coins to upgrade your Pantasmagoria pieces.

5) Upgrade your Eden 4 weapon. Buy/Upgrade any Phantasmagoria gear you have to get to ilevel 455. Remember you can upgrade one of these pieces for each Copied Factory run/Manufactured Coin you get for downing the NieR 24 man's final boss.

6) Eden 5-8. Make sure to do these at least once per week, ESPECIALLY Eden 8 as the weapon token is the most time gated factor of all.

7) Buy Allegory gear (490) to fill out slots. Note that Eden 5-8 tokens also provide 490 gear. The Allegory gear should be upgradable in 5.3 with whatever the Manufactured Coin equivalent will be from the next NieR raid, which will probably also drop left-side armor pieces of 490 ilevel. Note that until 5.4, these will be limited to only one per week, though. should try to be capping on Allegory (450 per week limit) each week. Running a single Expert roulette per day gets you 90, so doing that alone for 5 days will cap you for the week. You'll also be getting 10 or so per Eden 5-8 run, and some here and there from running other stuff (if you get in on a Hunt Train, you're looking at a bunch there, too.)

8) If you get to 470 and want to do so, try running Ruby Weapon Extreme and Eden Savage. I highly recommend watching a guide video on YouTube first, though... :D


ALTERNATE PATH) Spend money. You can buy 490 pieces with gil, though they're still a bit pricy for a new player. Feel free to check your local Market Board. You can also buy the older 450 or 470 pieces to fill out holes in your gear, since they may be quite a bit cheaper. Again, check your local Market Board/crafter friends to see what's on offer. If you go this route, it should get you to 455, and you can start on step (6) above, or if you go all out for the're still going to want to farm Eden 8 for the weapon token and probably get Allegory pieces since those upgrade via Eden Savage/and probably the 5.4 24 man raid, but all 490 gear would have you raid ready for Ruby Ex/Eden 5-8 Savage, so go ham.


"Less bullet points, more words?!" you ask while simultaneously exclaiming?

Eh, okay. :)

If you have money, as always, you can buy the crafted gear. If you don't (or don't want to blow it), then the path is still MOSTLY the same as it was before. Overall, you can run the 80 dungeons for gear (the first 3 give 430 accessories, the 5.1 drops 445 gear, the 5.2 one drops 455 gear). You can still run Eden 1-4, and they're totally farmable. Running E4 (Titan) 4x will give you 4 weapon tokens that, with 1,000 tomestones of Phastasmagoria, you can turn into a weapon (more on the specific steps of doing those exchanges blow.)

The big changes with 5.2 are that (a) now Copied Factory is also totally farmable, with you being able to roll on the loot as much as you want (drops 460 left side armor pieces aside from the belt), and this includes getting the Manufactured Coins from the final boss of the run, that (b) new crafted gear of ilevel 490 has been added, and that (c) Eden 5-8 have been added (which are not "farmable" in the sense you can only get one item token per boss per week and 1 weapon token from the Eden 8 boss per week - you CAN run them as much as you want and pass on the tokens you don't want, if you want to gun for a specific piece like boots or chest or whatever, though; but you can only get one TOKEN per boss per week, so keep that in mind). With the Manufactured Coins you can buy upgrade pieces that will turn 460 Phantasmagoria tomestone gear into 470 gear. This includes your weapon that you got from running Titan and 1,000 Phasma.

As always: Finish the MSQ first, then unlock Eden 1-4, you only need 425 ilevel to run it, and can farm it for 450 gear and your 460 weapon tokens from Eden 4. At the least, unless you're ready for Ex fights, it's the best way to get your weapon. If you don't have the ilevel for Eden 1-4 yet, run the 80 dungeons until you do, and you can always buy a piece of Phantasmagoria tomestone gear (I recommend rings first, since you have two ring slots) to help out. Even if the loot drops aren't upgrades, the Pantasmagoria is, as you buy 460 pieces with it.

Once you've unlocked Eden 1-4, run them all at least once for the clears, then run Eden 4 three times more so you have a total of 4 weapon tokens.

While you're doing this, you'll be getting Phasma tomestones. Make sure to save 1,000 for your weapon (or 300 for your shield and 700 for your weapon, if PLD). Once you've run Eden 4 (Titan) 4x, you don't need to keep running it (unless you want the extra tokens for alt Job weapons) and can just run whichever Eden 1-4 fights are easiest for you. You can roll need on everything with no penalty for Eden 1-4, and you should be able to fill out most/all of your accessory/belt slots by doing so.

Somewhere in here, you should get enough ilevel to start running Copied Factory (ilevel 435). Doing this is good once you have your Eden 4 weapon since you can use the Manufactured Coin from the final boss to upgrade it to 470, which is a pretty nice boost. Each run gets you 1 coin, and each coin can upgrade one piece of 460 Phasma gear to 470. The loot drops are the non-belt/accessory armors, are 460 ilevel, and should be nice upgrades. You will EVENTUALLY want to replace these with Pantasma pices which you can upgrade, but they're nice stopgaps to fill in holes. Note that the NieR gear ITSELF cannot be upgraded.

OF ALL STATS, WEAPON DAMAGE >>>>> ALL. This includes healers/casters, as your spell potency also scales with weapon damage.

The goal is to get to 455 so you can run Eden 5-8 at least once per week (again, this is the time gated part, so you'll want to get at least one token per week from the bosses, and at least one clear of Eden 8 per week for the weapon token). You can continue farming roulettes, Copied Factory, and even Eden 1-4 for tomestones and to shore up stubborn holes in your gear. Remember that Phantasmagoria 460 pieces can be upgraded to 470 with Manufactured Coins. So if you're capped on Phantasma and have a NieR piece like gloves or pants, "side-grading" that to the 460 is fine since you can then upgrade it to 470 with a Manufcatured Coin. Eden 8's weapon token drops, since you can only get one of THOSE per week and you'll need 7 for your 490 weapon, are a high priority. So if you have a super busy week, you should try to at least knock out one Eden 8 clear, even if you can't run the others for tokens or cap on Allegory that week.

The NEXT goal is ilevel 470, as this is required for running the new Ex "Primal" (Cinder Drift/Ruby Weapon) and Eden 5-8 Savage. So for this, you'll be upgrading all your gear to Phantasmagoria gear (460) then upgrading it with Manufactured Coins into 470 pieces, while spending the new tomestones (Allegory) and Eden 5-8 tokens to get 490 gear.

...keep in mind that on about week 5/6 that you're farming Eden 8, you'll want to start saving Allegory so that in week 7, when you get your seventh weapon token, you'll have 1,000 Allegory tometones to put with it to get your shiny new 490 weapon!

And keep in mind that Allegory gear will likely upgrade into 500 gear in 5.3. (The non-weapon pieces: The weapon is usually a patch later, as this lets Savage have exclusive access to weapons a bit longer.)


Important terms:

Tomestones of...

...Goetia: If you have any of these left, go to Mor Dhona. One of the three NPCs at the Tomestone desk there will convert them to Phantasmarogia for you. You can't buy anything with them anymore, so just upgrade them. (Incidently, the guy on the right is the one you get Ruby Weapon EX weapons from, NOT the guy in Eulmore...)

...Phantasmagoria: These are your bread and butter. Use them for your weapon (costs 1,000, or 700 weapon/300 shield if PLD), and then use them to shore up gear holes with 460 gear. The gear you buy with these upgrades to 470 pieces with Manufactured Coins. This can also be thought of as the "lesser tomestone" or "lower grade" tomestone for patches 5.2 and 5.3.

...Allegory: You can only get 450 of these per week, so try to cap each week if you can. You get them from running roulettes (look at the rewards to see which roulettes give them) and the final bosses of Expert dungeons, as well as Eden bosses, etc. These can be used to buy 490 gear, which will be upgradable in 5.3 to 500 gear. Remember you'll need 1,000 of these on week 7 of your Eden 8 farm to get your weapon, so plan ahead! This can be thought of as the "greater tomestone" or "higher grade" tomestone for patches 5.2 and 5.3

(The tomestone vendor is in Eulmore, second from the left, on that long row on the big open balcony. His name is Aymark <Tomestone Exchange> )

Eden's Gate: Eden 1-4

Eden's Verse: Eden 5-8

Armor token (Eden) exchanges:

4 chest tokens = 1 chest item
4 leg tokens = 1 pants item
2 glove tokens = 1 glove item
2 helm tokens = 1 helm item
2 boot tokens = 1 boot item
1 belt token = 1 belt item
1 accessory token (looks like a ring) = 1 accessory item (can be traded for ring, bracer, necklace, OR earring)

(The vendor for these is in Eulmore, all the way on the right. It's the Kobold named Yhal Yal <Eden Relic Exchange>. You can browse his items once you unlock him (shortly after unlocking Eden itself) to verify what tokens you need for what and plan out what you want to purchase. Antiquity items are 450 Eden 1-4, Golden Antiquity are 490 Eden 5-8.)


Got your 4 weapon tokens from Eden 4 and 1,000 Phantasmagoria tomestones? This dance can be a bit confusing for first timers, so let me walk you through it. Note you will do this same thing with Eden 8 weapon tokens, just you'll need 7 of them (probably lowered to 4 in patch 5.3) and Allegory tomestones instad.

You'll go to Eulmore once again for this. Go to Aymark again, this time to the "Phantasmagoria (Other)" list, and buy 10x of Mowen's Tokens...UNLESS YOU ARE A PALADIN!! Each cost 100, so 1,000 Phantasmagoria gets you your 10. For PLD specifically, ONLY BUY 7. This is because you need only 7 for the sword. You spend 300 in the DoW Phantasmagoria item list to outright buy the shield. So buy your 7 and then buy your shield for 300.

With Mowen Tokens in hand, next go to Yhal Yal and to any of the first three (Edgengate Antique Exchange) options. Buy the item at the very bottom, "Lightweight Tomestone". Again, they each take 4 sword tokens to buy.

Now you have all the pieces! Go to Fathard <Token Exchange>, the vendor between them in the middle of that long row of vendors. (This is also the NPC to see if you are trading Titania/Innocence/Hades Ex tokens for gear). The option you want is "Deepshadow Gear Exchange". Here you trade in 10 of the Mowen's Tokens (7 for PLD) and 1 Lightweight Tomestone and get...your ilevel 460 weapon!

While you're chatting with Farthard...

...look under Glorious Gegaws. Note the top three items cost one Manufactured Coin to buy, and read the descriptions of them. The first is used to upgrade your weapon. The second to upgrade armor (helm/chest/gloves/pants/boots), and the third is for accessories/belts. When you're ready for an upgrade, buy the item for what you're trying to upgrade, and go to the NPC at the left end of the counter. This is where you'll exchange them. Again: Remember to remove any materia before doing so, as it will be lost otherwise.


That should about wrap it up. Hope this helps folks new to the max level game and gets you well on your way to knocking it out of the park!

submitted by /u/Renathras
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