For JGP and all the ppl that are able to read chinese!


Got rice??
one of the best chinese rap
this guy traveled to LA alone when he was 14, went through all the trouble.
Living all by himself w/o family, friends rat him out, got into jail, got out and found out he got cancer, died when he was 22........
prolly one of the best rappers I've ever heard, had a friend translate the lyrics cause I fail at chinese
Translate it for us! I only understand a few phrases here and there, and the writing is so small I can't really make it out.
Nvm I found a translation:

正当我睁开双眼 踏入这个世界
As I open both eyes, step into this world
妈妈给我生命 现在让我自生自灭
Mom gave me life, now let me live and die as please
这让我恐惧 在我的眼里每个人都戴着面具
This lets me feel fear, in my eyes every person all hide a mask
回想过去 难道生命就是这样延续?
Remembering the past, is life really perpetuated like this?
I smoke cigarette until my lungs are black
就像整个社会被人心笼罩着 它也是黑的
Just like the whole society that's covered by people's motives, it's also black
I carry the cross of life
也渴望Power, paper and respect
Also hope for Power, paper and respect
我想这大概就是human nature
I think this probably is human nature
佛家说 烦恼即是菩提 我暂且不提
Buddhists say, worries should be brought up by the Buddha(??not too sure the meaning), I won't bring it up for now
Instead I wish to be able to return to mother's body
老妈对不起 我时常把你气得跺脚
Sorry Mom, I often make mad enough to stomp feet
You say you regret you didn't abort me back then
每当我放学回家 放下那沉重的背包
Every time I return home after school, put down that heavy shoulderbag
家里空无一人 只残留着你香水的味道
Home empty without a single person, only your perfume's smell pathetically remains
那时我知道 你那天晚上又要加班
At the time I know, you were working overtime again that night
我打开冰箱 拿出微波炉吃冰的晚餐
I open the fridge, take out microwave frozen dinner
Dad returns home stinking drunk at 2am
我从睡梦中醒来 只听到你们在吵架
I awake from my dreams, only to hear you guys arguing
I cannot focus my attention to the test next day
老师他不喜欢我 我也不喜欢老师
Teacher he doesn't like me, I also don't like teacher
我讨厌穿制服 我讨厌学校的制度
I hate wearing uniform, I hate the rules of school
我讨厌训导主任的嘴脸 讨厌被束缚
I hate discipliner's face, hate being restricted
That's true
That's true
很多人不屑我的态度 他们说我太cool
Many people can't take my attitude, they say I'm too cool
Police dislikes me and have arrested me before
I don't give a fuck about 人家说什么
I don't give a fuck about what other people say
他们想说什么就说什么 但是他们算什么
They can say whatever they want to say, but what are they anyway
No one has the power to use their standard to measure me
主宰是我自己 随便人家如何想 我还是我
The host is me myself, regardless of what other people think, I'm still me
Women who love money only lets Johns touch
People who don't know about condoms shouldn't say too many children
金钱力量虽大 却生不带来死不带走
Though money's power is big, yet can't bring with you at birth can't take with you at death
When can people who tightly hold two fists release their hands?

**Life's a struggle 日子还要过
**Life's a struggle, life still goes on
品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles
After tasting joy, anger, sadness, happiness, even more countless troubles
Everyday 有多少问题要去面对
Everyday have how many questions that needs to be faced
有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡…
Have how many nights of painful frustrations that lets you unable to sleep...


Courtroom's somber air makes me almost unable to breathe
At the time, me whose facing life behind bars starts to rethink
After metal bars is another different scenario
In the eyes of convicts can't see any traces of peace
仅有一寸短的铅笔 写的是监狱风云
Only have an inch short pencil, written are prison's life
What's described in the idary is not the wonderful outside scenery
Freedom in their eyes is only ???
放一把自制武器在枕头旁 以防随时有人偷袭
Put a self-made weapon beside the pillow, to prepare against other's attacks at any time
Some people suspect their wives are unfaithful on the outside
Some people one by one treasure the letters sent from family
Some people seems to rest on the bed 24hrs
有些人精神失常 因为受不了打击
Some people mentally lose is because can't take the trauma
Three month's like fire like tea's slow waiting has already gone by
The me who's out of jail faces three years of probation
这也好 一生中第一次感觉到幸福
This is good too, first time feeling happiness in my life
But I'm not sure if life's challenges are only thus
我不知道 接下来还有什么会发生
I don't know what will happen from now
Open the news of newspaper once again see arsen and murder
Still remember one year's accidental discovery of 照片(picture???)
On it has the disgusting image of aunt performing 口交(oral sex or less explicit???) to a man
This completely destroyed the image of her in my heart
I cannot forget how skanky the smile in the picture was
我抵抗 胸口存在着不安及惶恐
I resist the insecurity and fear that resides in my chest
I continuously hear the painful sounds screaming in my heart

Chorus 2X

不论我走到天南 不论我走到地北
Regardless I walk to the south of the sky, regardless I walk to the earth's north
Regardless of where I walk to can always encounter people's hypocrisy
It's kinda funny 在人的眼里只有money
It's kinda funny in people's eyes there's only money
外表好像要帮你 却只是想帮他自己
Appears to want to help you, but only want to help himself
笑容可掬的脸后面 谁知道是个狼心狗肺
Behind a face full of smiles, who knew is a bastard(wolf's heart dog's guts)
连朋友都能背叛 因为只有名利合他口味
Even friends can be betrayed, because only self advantage suits his taste
When she says he loves you it's with full sincerity
But it may turn out that what she loves is your fame and fortune behind you
你可曾困惑 在你身旁谁是敌是友
Have you ever doubted who beside you is a friend or foe
The one who kicks you when you're down may be your buddy
你可曾经历 当你最需要帮助的时候
Have you experienced, when you needed help the most
People who normally call themselves your brothers have suddenly disappeared
亲爱的神 伟大的神
Dear God, noble God
你可以怪我想法太过无知 但我只是人
You can blame that my thoughts are too ignorant, but I'm only human
我不信人 因为人也不信我
I don't believe in people because people also don't believe in me
不要问我为什么 我最多只能告诉你这就是我
Don't as me why, the most I can tell you is that this is just me
Life is like the tides, sometimes high sometimes low
Have you told yourself to be strong and pass through each type of period
From fate's balconey, I cannot see the starry sky
Pitch black sky presses on my head making me not able to relax
在我心中 找不到一个安静的角落
In my heart, cannot find a peaceful corner
我不能再沈睡下去 良心彷佛在笑我
I cannot sleep on, conscience seems to be laughing at me
It's saying: A few days few nights, Mom once cried(used tears to wash her face) for you
老爸他只顾己见 希望之火只见熄灭
Dad he only cares about what can be seen, hope for fire but only see extinguish
I pick up the phone and it's Dad's frail voice
Although didn't see each other, but not difficult to imagine his expression at the time
Just finished listening his recent job loss news
脑海里马上浮现祖母的话 警告我一定要争气
In my head immediately appears Grandma's words, cautioning me to must make something of myself
I've already give up all the reasons to cry
Because I've already gotten used to coldly living in the cruel reality
How will life pick up its head? How will change pick up its hand?
当活在泥沼中 要如何才能金盆洗手?
Like living in a mud puddle, how will I able to wash my hands of it all?