First-Place Prizes Revealed for the Fan Festival 2008 Art Contest! (11/06/2008)


Kitteh's Meow
PlayOnline said:

We have exciting news for all of the budding artists out there: the Fan Festival 2008 Art Contest prizes have been revealed on the official website! We're proud to announce that the first-place winner in each category will receive a brand-new PC! Don't worry if you were unable to secure a ticket to the event; art contest entries will be accepted regardless of Fan Festival attendance. So get those creative juices flowing and have your masterpiece ready for submission by the November 23rd deadline.

Click here to learn more about the Fan Festival 2008 Art Contest!
nov 23rd hmmm i need to get to work then :x
My AMD could probably run circles around your computer.

LOL. Let me know when your piece of shit phenom x4 9950 can break 120fps in Crysis without overclocking and phase-change cooling, son. Otherwise, take comfort in knowing that a C2D e8200 can steamroll AMDs fastest offerings on stock cooling at the same price.