Finished 2.0! And This Is The Lowest Point?!

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WOOOOOOOOOZERZ. The whole last few MSQs and dungeons have been insane! During preatorium I was like 'theres more?!' A few times.

I got many theories about the future of the game.. becouse I know how the expansions are called lol... cant wait to dive back into more MSQ.

As Im writing this Im in the credits. It was really amazing seeing all those cutscenes. I do hope the game continues to integrade cool cutscenes haha.

I already spent so much time on this free trial dude. Have multiple jobs at 50 and now finished 2.0

By the end of shadowbringers Im gonna have like 2000 hours wtf!

Great game. Glad I started it. Looking forward to the future.

Btw. Why/how did Gaius do a SSJ transformation lol!

EDIT: WTF. The credit ends and theres MORE!!!!

Shadow looking Hydalyn?

Bahamut stirs?!

More Ascians?

Okay game CALM DOWN

submitted by /u/MotherOfQuaggan
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