Hell, so long as they give us something where you can play all day if you choose, or play for 40 minutes, I'm happy. Most things in FFXI take at least an hour or two if you want any significant results.

^ That. QFT.

Their biggest drawback and why so many people quit is because FFXI absolutely REQUIRES crazy amounts of time. You could argue it was the economy/parties/etc. But when you break it down. Getting gil takes a long time. Getting a party to be able to grind takes a long time. You can't just log into FFXI for 30min before class and get anything accomplished.

While many say, "I spend a lot of time on the game, I should be rewarded for it," I'm not arguing the point. I'm just saying you should be able to get something, anything out of shorter periods of time. Even if not that significant. 30 min is easily blown just waiting for a ferry or airship.

I think their expectation that people will play both FFXI and FFXIV is a joke. You can't play FFXI and another MMO well. Just too time consuming (assuming you've got work/school/other RL obligations). So hopefully their "balance" of solo and party in FFXIV will be a major improvement. Don't want it totally solo like what many folks do in other games. But don't want to be completely crippled and dying to easy prey mobs either.
SE made some nice FFXI changes to help with the time requirements, ranging from shorter group events (Einherjar, Nyzul, Assault, etc) to solo stuff (Campaign, maybe FoV?). I hope they continue on a similar path.

My wishlist includes things like better macros (more than 6 lines! >_<), better inventory management (armor sets, moving multiple items around as a group), and hopefully game balance that doesn't hurt certain jobs/playstyles. Hard to pull off that last one, but it's a travesty that some jobs are relegated to slow soloing or abusing the level cap system. We need more love for mages and the "lol-DD" jobs. >:P
I surely wouldnt play both, Id like everyone to start fresh, more soloable content would be nice.
Time to pawn my FFXI account off to some unsuspecting newb for some mad cash before it is too late!
The article mentioned that the exp would be different. Maybe it'll be like..what was it FF2? where you didn't exp, you 'skilled up'.

Also..I have the sinkin' feeling FFXI is gonna get shut down within 2 years of the FFXIV release. Not to be Negative Nancy but, unless they make FF14 free or discounted for FFXI users I don't see too many people playing both. Why play both when you can accomplish more and have better time efficiency on 1 game that is being developed based on the drawbacks of the other?

FFXIV seems like SE decided to use all the shit we bitch about on FFXI and create something new and different (new world, battle system, exp etc), AND satisfy our long list of complaints. (While keeping the races we are familiar with, although I'd have liked to see older races brought back.)

Who knows, maybe we'll finally get the co-op casting that we only get to see in the fookin' opening movie for FFXI in the new game. Nothing better than having 12 black mages cast mega-flare for the meteor effect on a hoarde of fugleh orcs.


p.s. miss you guys.
p.p.s. Japan rocks.
After the Q&A, the Dengeki Team also takes a look at the beautiful concept illustration that I am sure is gracing many-a-desktop recently. Do their speculations match up with any of yours?
Discuss this in the ZAM FFXIV Forums!

Does the new land of Eorzea hold any connections or similarities to Vana'diel?
Tanaka reiterates that while Vana'diel was an fully developed world, Eorzea is simply a region within the world of Final Fantasy XIV. This will, however, be the main region in which players interact, so webmasters who snatched up an Eorzea based URL can breathe a sigh of relief. The world itself will be named ハイデリン (ha-i-de-ri-n), but we have yet to receive an official English spelling of the word. As for differences between the two worlds, Final Fantasy XIV will be a little more "high-tech" in line with the sci fi style of Final Fantasy XIII. However, they still wish to have the foundation of the game's setting based in traditional fantasy.

Are there any connections beyond the style of Avatars?
Tanaka states that players can go into Final Fantasy XIV expecting no significant similarities. However, they realize some comforts just cannot be abandoned so easily - like friends. Therefore, they are looking at ways to allow names to transfer as well as other methods to keep adventurers together. The main objective here is to make transferring to Final Fantasy XIV as comfortable as possible without providing the advantage of transferring completed characters. The ideal situation is one in which players can choose freely between playing in Vana'diel one day, and Eorzea the next. Tanaka envisioned a new door in one's Mog House that would act as a dimensional portal into Eorzea, allowing players in either game to quickly join their friends wherever they may be. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, Tanaka was unable to bring this plan to fruition.

If there are no levels, how do characters advance?
Although Final Fantasy XIV will eschew the traditional leveling system in favor of something new, there will be parts of the Job System that make it over. Most importantly, they wish to retain the concept of being able to switch roles and work on one job one time and another job the next time. At this time, the developers are unable to give any specifics.

How will the payment plan look?
While Final Fantasy XI runs on a monthly plan through PlayOnline, Final Fantasy XIV will drop PlayOnline and utilize the recently established Square Enix IDs and Security Tokens. The monthly plan is also due for a change, and Tanaka says they are considering a more versatile plan, based on 30-day payment cycles. Some people have been confused by this, but all it involves is altering when a player's plan stops and starts. If you count by days instead of months, you have the freedom to stop and start more freely. This would allow billing to break free from the shackles of the monthly cycle and possibly really help out customers by helping them avoid paying for unused time and lessen the inconvenience of the regularly scheduled billing maintenance.

How is the announcement of Final Fantasy XIV affecting the current players?
Tanaka realizes that playing both XI and XIV could take up way too much time for the average player. Taking this into account, Final Fantasy XIV is designed to be much lighter on one's schedule and contain a wider variety of content so players can find the best way to enjoy the game for themselves. Final Fantasy XIV definitely will not be as rough on the player, and it is speculated that this will cause as eventual shift of users to the game.

Is this the untimely end of Final Fantasy XI?
Updates for Final Fantasy XI are planned out for the next year already, and there is no intention to stop after that. The development team has been divided between both games for some time now, so Tanaka says there is no reason to panic. There is still much more left that the team wants to do. Even within the next two Version Updates, the developers claim there is plenty of content in the works, and it will be tough to get it all in. Of course, this includes the next add-on scenario, "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat" - an addition that all players can look forward to!

When does the Beta start?!
According to the announcement, Final Fantasy XIV will go on sale and begin service sometime in 2010. Looking at how things will go forth, Tanaka confirms that a beta test beginning next year will be most likely, with the test leading into the public release of the game. However, the exact timing is still unknown.

A word for Final Fantasy XI players...
Tanaka states his admiration for the players helping Final Fantasy XI to continue all these past seven years and how they helped it mature into such a fantastic experience. While Final Fantasy XIV will take the series in a new direction, Tanaka sincerely looks forward to delivering something that all users can thoroughly enjoy, and hopes you look forward to its release.
Komoto also expresses his fascination at the amazing world that the users have built Final Fantasy XI into. Komoto hopes to continue to develop a place where users can meet each other, make lasting friendships, maintain sporting rivalries, and most importantly, enjoy the experience in any manner they wish. Final Fantasy XIV will be an MMO that provides such freedom, and introduce a new land in which players can accompany their friends and challenge their rivals.
Tanaka envisioned a new door in one's Mog House that would act as a dimensional portal into Eorzea, allowing players in either game to quickly join their friends wherever they may be. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, Tanaka was unable to bring this plan to fruition.
Too bad. That would have been really freaking cool.

They wish to retain the concept of being able to switch roles and work on one job one time and another job the next time.
THIS is one of FFXI's strengths. Most/all other MMOs have 1 character = 1 job setup. WoW, Warhammer, even all the crazy Chinese/Korean MMOs like Perfect World, Silkroad and Jade Dynasty have that limitation. So if you want to try something different today... need to roll a new character entirely. Prevents you from really getting attached or involved to any one toon.

Tanaka realizes that playing both XI and XIV could take up way too much time for the average player. Taking this into account, Final Fantasy XIV is designed to be much lighter on one's schedule and contain a wider variety of content so players can find the best way to enjoy the game for themselves. Final Fantasy XIV definitely will not be as rough on the player.
Whoa!!! This is exactly what I had been worried about. The fact that they're taking it into account... Made. Of. Win. Though how good it'll really be, only time will tell.

Komoto hopes to continue to develop a place where users can meet each other, make lasting friendships...
Awwww. *warm fuzzies*. The fact that they're planning name transferability is really nice. If they can do a friend list import that'd be even better. Or EEEEVEN better, linkshell import? That'd be a LOT harder logistically, I realize this. But if/when someone imported a character name, if it could import linkshell names they have, would be a HUGE draw for current players. Go to 14, keep your char name, and still have a linkshell with those who decided to come over too! Not sure it's possible but hey... have Ultima over on FFXIV? C'mon... you know it'd be sweet.