Couple of small items that may be useful for others later.
FFXIV stores the character data/configurations on each local client as it did in FFXIV. The screen shot below shows the FFXIV folder located in your 'My Games' folder under the standard heiachrcy of:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\

The "FFXIV_CHARA_0x.dat" files appear to be for appearance data when creating a new character. (load previously designed character.
If you want to copy a characters configuration data, you will need to copy the folder for the character as noted above. (If you have more than 1 character, this is what you folder will look like.) You'll have to to a little detective work to see which folders belong to which characters. (this can easily checked via the 'log' folder in the next screenshot.
The file names above are fairly obvious to their function, copying the folder in the 1st screen shot, would capture these .DAT files for game configuration on each character. It looks like it includes.
Controller Data, Macros, Key Bind Settings, Gear Sets, Hot Bar Settings, Log Filters and other common settings.
The 'log' folder is a collection of logs created by FFXIV when playing on this specific characters. Characters that have not been used, won't have a 'log' folder. The contents of the log folder is shown below.
The log files are generated in sequential order as shown above. A sample of one file (simple text) looks like this:
A parser is available to read these files stored in your log folder. (I've not yet decided which one is more trustworthy.)
FFXIV stores the character data/configurations on each local client as it did in FFXIV. The screen shot below shows the FFXIV folder located in your 'My Games' folder under the standard heiachrcy of:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\

The "FFXIV_CHARA_0x.dat" files appear to be for appearance data when creating a new character. (load previously designed character.
If you want to copy a characters configuration data, you will need to copy the folder for the character as noted above. (If you have more than 1 character, this is what you folder will look like.) You'll have to to a little detective work to see which folders belong to which characters. (this can easily checked via the 'log' folder in the next screenshot.

The file names above are fairly obvious to their function, copying the folder in the 1st screen shot, would capture these .DAT files for game configuration on each character. It looks like it includes.
Controller Data, Macros, Key Bind Settings, Gear Sets, Hot Bar Settings, Log Filters and other common settings.
The 'log' folder is a collection of logs created by FFXIV when playing on this specific characters. Characters that have not been used, won't have a 'log' folder. The contents of the log folder is shown below.

The log files are generated in sequential order as shown above. A sample of one file (simple text) looks like this:
FFXIV Log said:p・ X・ 6 ~ ï½´ ・ H ~ ヌ  > _ ・ ハ Q ・ ï¾ > _ ・ ハ ? z ï½» ・ / e ・ ï½· ï¾– H ï½² \ ヲ ・ * } フ G
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A parser is available to read these files stored in your log folder. (I've not yet decided which one is more trustworthy.)