FFXI Discs

I do. I just need to upload it.

I got my new laptop today, so after I finish doing my install... I will upload it and post the link. It will be an .ISO format as usual.

Mikejones is coming back o_O?
He's still WoW'd, hardcore, cuz the guild he's in (the one I came from) is #1 on the server, and doing all the new fancy cool content. However, he keeps telling me BST is pulling him back to this game, and with the new bst change comin up, we're gonna duo our bst's to 75, since we duo'd them to 62. Then all we gots ta do is convince him to stay for good!
Bump. I decided to post this in the private area, it can be shared with others but I dont want it caught in public view as not to overwhelm the server.

The .ISO is about 4GB. It's uploading now and the address will be posted after it's done.

Thanks & Sorry for the delay. ;)