First off, im posting this here because there is not adedicated feedback forum for the game.
Now the removal of the Black Mage timer is a terrible decision. Its clear this is a kneejerk reaction just to make the job much simpler in order to not scare away new players. The big problem is that this change removes all the complexity and fun with the job. I play BLM because its complex. its fun to try and do mechanics while maintaining the timer. Sometimes i succeed, sometimes i fail, prompting me to change things up and do better.
Purely removing the timer also means that the big action you get at lvl 90, Paradox, is now wholly and fully useless. The action is there so you have an instant cast action that resets your timer. With the timer gone, why is Paradox still there?
Next the Firestarter status. This status gives a free Fire III cast and at high levels is primarily used to reset the timer. Why does this still exist if the timer is gone?
Next is Triple Cast. This skill (at least for me) is mainly used so you can cast while on the move in order to do mechanics while maintaining the timer. I concede that this action still has some use (casting while moving) but is mostly useless now as well. Why does Triple Cast still exist?
All of this is to say. Put the timer back on. Your quest to simplify all jobs so new players can do all of them is completely the wrong choice. What about us players who want complex jobs? We're not part of your job balancing at all? You need to think about ALL your players and have at least one or two highly complex jobs while keep a bunch simplistic so everyone gets something they want.
Again. I cant find anywhere else to send feedback to Square Enix about this issue. if a modder or whoever sees this, please pass this on to actual developers.
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Now the removal of the Black Mage timer is a terrible decision. Its clear this is a kneejerk reaction just to make the job much simpler in order to not scare away new players. The big problem is that this change removes all the complexity and fun with the job. I play BLM because its complex. its fun to try and do mechanics while maintaining the timer. Sometimes i succeed, sometimes i fail, prompting me to change things up and do better.
Purely removing the timer also means that the big action you get at lvl 90, Paradox, is now wholly and fully useless. The action is there so you have an instant cast action that resets your timer. With the timer gone, why is Paradox still there?
Next the Firestarter status. This status gives a free Fire III cast and at high levels is primarily used to reset the timer. Why does this still exist if the timer is gone?
Next is Triple Cast. This skill (at least for me) is mainly used so you can cast while on the move in order to do mechanics while maintaining the timer. I concede that this action still has some use (casting while moving) but is mostly useless now as well. Why does Triple Cast still exist?
All of this is to say. Put the timer back on. Your quest to simplify all jobs so new players can do all of them is completely the wrong choice. What about us players who want complex jobs? We're not part of your job balancing at all? You need to think about ALL your players and have at least one or two highly complex jobs while keep a bunch simplistic so everyone gets something they want.
Again. I cant find anywhere else to send feedback to Square Enix about this issue. if a modder or whoever sees this, please pass this on to actual developers.
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