Feature Concept: Handbag, Backpack, Pouch Thingy As An Fashion Acccessory

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Hello, sorry I don't know where to post my idea so I just decided to put it here.

Now that SE has introduced the Fashion Accessories system with parasols being the first type, and a future addition being teddy bears apparently, it got me thinking what else would be really cool. My idea is a basically an animated visual representation of our current inventory system as a Fashion Accessory bag item.

When we activate it, it will basically just make a bag visible on our character. When we interact with our inventory, our characters can be animate to look like they're rummaging through the bag. Stylish looking handbags will add another dimension to the glamming endgame :p

There are some glams that already come with a little fancy bag, but they are part of the model and their visibility is untoggle-able. An example is the fireglass vest:
With this system maybe those parts can be removed from the model and implemented as a fashion accessories as the first ones available to us.

Regardless, I'm quite excited with the addition of the Accessories System! Very curious to see what we will get in the future. Glam is endgame!

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