[fc] Unknown-warriors Recruiting

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I have just recently started playing FFXIV and LOVING IT!!

I have been been the leader of UW since Guild Wars 1 came out, it has been a long fun road for sure. We have always been a casual guild, never tried to be a mega or anything. MMO's of recent haven't really held me long enough to try and recruit for the guild. FFXIV has given me a lot of motivation to kick things up again.

At the time of this post we have 7 members, 2 of our members are veterans and were left with a FC that owns a large mansion already and they have gifted me the guild to run. The 5 others of us are new and learning the game together.

I am looking for people like me that have started playing the game and have found they would like a casual Guild to join and learn the game with others. Veterans are very welcome also..

If you are interested let me know either through the forums, through in game PM/Mail or feel free to join our Discord!

Guild Info:

Name: Unknown Warriors

Guild Leader: Soulari Rahvin (IGN)

Main play times (for current members) - 6pm - 2am (CST) Weekdays and earlier/later on weekends. We'll always be open for all time zones to join.

Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/3MDPQVJ (Cmon in!!)

Age: I try to keep it 18+ but acceptions can be made

Microphones preferred but only required when doing larger Raids/Dungeons.

Other Games we play as a group: Rocket League, CoD:MW, and many more at times..

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