Faux Hollow Solver

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I made a tool to determine the best locations to reveal in the upcoming Faux Hollow minigame.


Due to the minigame as of yet not being release, I'm currently making the following assumptions:

  1. The grid is always 6x6
  2. The chest and box are always 2x2
  3. The swords are always 3x2 or 2x3
  4. Only one chest and set of swords can spawn per game

The algorithm basically brute forces the puzzle, every possible spawn location for the requested picture is checked. If the requested picture can spawn in that location, the value of each square within the location is increased. The solver shows the squares that are the highest value.

I'll likely be updating the site after the patch launch, both to look it better and to fix any incorrect assumption I may have made.

If you have any suggestions (other than cleaning up my mess of spaghetti that I call 'code'), then let me know.

submitted by /u/_Bedo_
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