Eureka: The Fine Print

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Late night thread idea. I wanted a place to collect all the small minor things I've learned and discovered in my short time in Eureka. All the little things that aren't necessarily easily listed or located anywhere. Think I'll break it up into 4 or 5 posts. One for each area, and I think maybe dedicate one to the Tracker site. Again, this is late night, so... this project might take a little while to complete. But, feel free to chime in and correct anything I get wrong. I'll try to edit and correct as I remember it.

First things first, this is not a comprehensive Eureka thread. Not gonna bother explaining the magia system, should be fairly intuitive. Not gonna explain every NM, from prep to mechanics, cuz damn, that's a lot of work. And also I think that's kinda a lot of the fun, learning the fights so you don't die as much. Honestly, I'm not super certain exactly what is and isn't going to be here, playing it by ear I guess. Point is, things you should be able to learn as you go, prolly going to avoid.

Also, at the time of writing, this information is relevant to 5.1. If anything changes in the future, no telling if I'll remember to update it here.

Dumping Anemos into this post as well, since it's fairly straightforward, not a lot to say on it I don't think. Welcome to Eureka, here's your elemental wheel, everything here is dangerous, etc, etc. The danger has been tuned down since 5.1, but it's certainly not impossible to die. Do the Eureka quests as you're able; they're fairly important for improving your survivability.
It won't be long before you learn to be on the lookout for the Anemos Elemental. Bright green fairy looking thing, grants an hour-long exp buff as well as a general attack/def buff plus regen. Also good for survivability. These elementals will recur in each zone. I know I said I wouldn't bother with the intuitive stuff, but here we are.

There's really not a lot to Anemos, it's a decent introductory zone. You have a grace period of several levels where there is no consequence for death. If I recall, up to level 5, you lose no exp, and up to level 11, you won't lose a level if your exp is lower than the penalty. So, really, take this time to explore and learn. Mob placement here isn't too terrible, very few special aggro cases. It's a good time to learn your limits.

The two important things I think are worth mentioning here are aggro and special drops. Aggro (I'm just assuming anyone looking at this understands the term) is important to pay attention to in every zone, but Anemos is certainly the most lax about it. The majority of enemies are basic sight aggro. If they're facing you, and you're close enough, they can see you. To navigate safely, learn how to run behind things, get a feel for where that sight cone starts, this will be a good time to gain the skills you'll use to get around larger groups later.
At least two of the mobs here are sound aggro. Level 5 Scape Leeches, and level 21 Magia Fans. Sound aggro mobs can't see you (or don't care) no matter what side or how close, but they will aggro if you're running by. Walk slowly, using whatever your keybind for that is, and you'll get through without incident.
I think almost everything, regardless of aggro type, will aggro by touch as well, however. So even if you're walking slowly, do take care not to walk right through things, they tend to notice that.
Sprites will aggro to spells. Casters, be aware of your placement and theirs, especially if you're not safely overleveled. Especially relevant if you're syncing down for a NM around any sprites.
Ashkin, which typically spawn in around 7pm Eorzea time, until dawn, also aggro by sight, but will also key in to you if you fall below 80% HP. I think it's 80, anyway. Maybe it's 20%? Idk. Not sure. Someone may chime in with correction here.
Mostly, this information is to help you stay safe, to need less raising, to help survive on your own. As of 5.1, now that you have mounts unlocked from the start, this may not be as important. You may be able to reasonably outpace most things. But, depending on your level, you may still want to avoid the chance of getting one-shot.

That just leaves the special NM drops, unless anyone else thinks of other important things here. There are I think 3 minions you can get from NMs in this zone, if you're inclined to want to collect minions. Level 2 NM Lord of Anemos can drop a Prince of Anemos minion, level 11 NM Serket can drop a wind-up Mithra minion (one of the races from FF11, pretty sure), and level 17 NM Fafnir can drop a wind-up Fafnir minion.
Additionally, there are a couple pieces of glamour gear to watch for. The level 4 NM Emperor of Anemos can drop an Emperor Hairpin, level 11 Serket can also drop a Scorpion Harness (also some FF11 nostalgia, I think), and level 15 NM Simurgh's Strider can drop Strider boots, which have the additional bonus of +10 seconds of sprint if you're wearing them in city-states. Useful if you spend a lot of time running around city states, I guess? Level 20 Pazuzu, in addition to the feathers required for gear upgrades, also can drop a housing item and a Triple Triad card. Less exciting.

There's also lockboxes gained from NMs. You'll probably have enough to see nearly every reward by the time you're done, but, just in case, a few of the better ones to farm for if you're inclined: The three minions that drop from NM can also be found in lockboxes, a Tyrannosaur mount, a chocobo barding, 2 pieces of furniture, 2 orchestrion rolls, 11 various glamour gear pieces (none of which are the rare NM drops), as well as the materias and confettis and so forth.
You may also get a rare drop from killing regular mobs, an Over-aspected Cluster. Acts as a Phoenix Down. A raise for anyone that doesn't have the spell. Nothing impressive, but, you could carry one of each and have a whopping 2 raises on you at any time, for all of your raising needs.

That pretty well covers anything you might need to know about Anemos, I think. 'cept maybe some lore/nostalgia bits, if you're really into that. Beyond my scope, tho. And I'm tired. Other zones will come later, with more pertinent info.

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